Identification decomposition of regional economic disparity for the west coast of Taiwan Strait of C

来源 :Empirical Study | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ntsx888
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Regional economic disparity is a hot issue in the development of society and economy.As the conjunct of the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta and the frontier to Taiwan,the west coast of the Taiwan Strait (WCS) is of great social and political significance.The paper defines" the connotation of the WCS,decomposed the regional economic disparity by using weighted coefficient of variation and Theil coeJficient,and explores the industrial and regional source of the regional economic disparity of the WCS.The analysis results show that:(1) the WCS has important political,economic and military position,so it's better to regard it to be comprehensive region,not just refer to Fujian Province;(2)from the industrial decomposition of weighted variation coefficient,the influence of the primary industry was tiny,conversely,the development inequity of the secondary and the tertiary indus'try was the main source of regional economic disparity.Their contribution has had the converse trend and the secondary contribution has gone beyond the tertiary since 2003;(3)from the regional decomposition of Theil coefficient,the regional economic disparity mainly came from inter-area inequity of 4 areas.Moreover,the inner economic disparity mainly drove by Fujian,suggesting that the urban development inequity in Fujian Province was comparatively outstanding.
There are two important problems of urban-rural relationship in China nowadays:the accelerated urbanization process and an enlarged urban-rural gap.The research
为有源头活水来 20世纪50年代初,新中国关于京剧有个争论,一派主张全部继承;另一派则认为京剧是封建主义的东西,主张全部抛弃。为此,毛泽东给戏曲界题词:“百花齐放,推陈出