The investigation of the zero temperature coefficient point of power MOSFET

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangqianzheng
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The paper investigates the zero temperature coefficient(ZTC) point of power MOSFET,based on the output characteristic of power MOSFET,the temperature coefficient of threshold voltage and the carrier mobility.It is found that the gate voltage has a big effect on the ZTC point.The result indicates that there are three types of temperature coefficient under different gate voltage.When the gate voltage is near the threshold voltage,both the linear region and saturation region shows a large positive temperature coefficient.With the increase of gate voltage,the temperature coefficient of the linear region changes from positive to negative,when the saturation region still remains positive,giving rise to the ZTC point.When the gate voltage is high enough,the negative temperature coefficient is present on both the linear and saturation region,resulting in no ZTC point.According to the experimental result,the change of ZTC point as a function of temperature is larger when the gate voltage is higher.The carrier mobility is also discussed,displaying a positive temperature coefficient at low gate voltage due to the free charge screen effect. The paper investigates the zero temperature coefficient (ZTC) point of power MOSFET, based on the output characteristic of power MOSFET, the temperature coefficient of threshold voltage and the carrier mobility. It is found that the gate voltage has a big effect on the ZTC point . The result indicates that there are three types of temperature coefficients under different gate voltage. The temperature of the gate voltage is near the threshold voltage, both the linear region and the saturation region shows a large positive temperature coefficient. coefficient of the linear region changes from positive to negative, when the saturation region still remains positive, giving rise to the ZTC point. If the gate voltage is high enough, the negative temperature coefficient is present on both the linear and saturation region, resulting in no ZTC point. According to the experimental result, the change of ZTC point as a function of temperature is larger when the gate voltage is hig her. carrier mobility is also discussed, displaying a positive temperature coefficient at low gate voltage due to the free charge screen effect.
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