Nd:YAG Laser Lysis of the Fibrinous Membrane and Remnant Substance on the Anterior Surface of Intrao

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Purpose: To determine the effects of Nd: YAG laser to disrupt the fibrinous membrane and remnant substance on the anterior surface of intraocular lens. Methods: Nd: YAG laser was applied on 23 cases of fibrinous membrane formation and 8 cases of remnant substance on the anterior surface of intraocular lenses (IOL) which had not responded well to steroid therapy. Eighteen cases were male and 13 female. The mean age was 49. 7 years(range, 5-78 years). The interval between IOL implantation and laser therapy was 0. 5-30 months in the fibrinous membrane cases and 3-10 days in the remnant substance cases. The energy applied was 0. 8-3.0mJ/exp. with 2-112 exposures, mean follow-up period was 3. 6 months.Results: Complications during therapy included only 2 cases of slight iris bleeding. Visual acuity after therapy was improved 1 line in 16 cases, 2 lines in 11 cases, 3 lines in 1 case, 4 lines in 1 case and 5 lines in 2 cases. No post-therapy complication was found.Conclusions: Nd: YAG laser lysis is an effect Purpose: To determine the effects of Nd: YAG laser to disrupt the fibrinous membrane and remonant substance on the anterior surface of intraocular lens. Methods: Nd: YAG laser was applied on 23 cases of fibrinous membrane formation and 8 cases of remnant substance on the anterior surface of intraocular lenses (IOL) which had not responded well to steroid therapy. Eighteen cases were male and 13 female. The mean age was 49. 7 years (range, 5-78 years). The interval between IOL implantation and laser therapy was 0. 5-30 months in the fibrinous membrane cases and 3-10 days in the remnant substance cases. The energy applied was 0. 8-3.0 mJ / exp. with 2-112 exposures, mean follow-up period was 3. 6 months. Results: Complications during therapy included only 2 cases of slight iris bleeding. Visual acuity after therapy was improved 1 line in 16 cases, 2 lines in 11 cases, 3 lines in 1 case, 4 lines in 1 case and 5 lines in 2 cases. No post-therapy complication was found. Conclusions: Nd: YAG laser lysis is an effect
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