Discovering Confucius'Legacy Through Travel(II) 游览中华大地,体会儒家文化(二)

来源 :疯狂英语·初中天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaifeng_chen
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   To understand some of China’s history, it is useful to appreciate Confucius. So where better to start than some of the temples and schools dedicated to him lnationwide? In the mid-1990s I lived along a traditional Beijing hutong, a short walk from Lama Temple or Yonghegong. Nearby sat Beijing’s Confucian Temple or Kong Miao, and the 2)adjacent former Imperial College. Throughout several dynasties that school was the national center of administration for learning in a very traditional educational system. It included the teachings of Confucius and a very strict examination requiring intensive personal study.
   During my early years exploring the area, the temple was often quiet.I found it excellent for relaxation and 3)reflection. Its crimson-colored buildings represented a grand Ming Dynasty architectural style although construction initially dated from 1302 during the Yuan period. After Qufu, it is China’s second-largest Confucian temple. Today classes on early Chinese culture including Confucian philosophy, 4)calligraphy, music and more are held within some of its smaller halls.
   I would go on to discover more of the Confucian influence. In 2017, I visited Pingyao in Shanxi province. From the walls still enclosing the Old Town I looked across to the sloping roof of its Confucian temple, known as “Wenmiao". Founded as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-908 AD),it is one of the oldest and best preserved structures of its kind in China. It was a personaljoy to stay in a hotel built in the historic Chinese style and literally 5adjoining the temple.
   Nanjing was another city where I experienced elements of Confucian heritage.Nanjing, whose name literally means“Southern Capital", had an active temple in what is today the Fuzimiao tourist district on the north 6bank of the Qinhuai River. That temple dates from 1034, though the current structure was built in the 19th century. When I first visited in 1996, it was a quiet area, but what I wanted to see were the exam 7booths. Stories abound of students confined into 8lcramped spaces, spending considerable time trying to achieve the highest possible grade. That was many years ago, but when I came to China in 1992 to work within the higher education sector of Guangdong, I personally witnessed students studying for many hours. I still see elements of this in the modern bookstores opening across China.    I have always felt that it is the people who make a city, something I certainly feel about Tianjin. I recently delighted in exploring its Confucian Temple. One of the oldest buildings in Tianjin, it is also the largest traditional architectural structure in the city. It has survived since the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) largely 9lintact. Almost palace- like in design, it features decorative archways, goldfish ponds and llancestral hallswhere students would pray for success in their academic studies.
   It is only a short distance along the Haihe River from that temple to the Shangri-La Hotel. There I found the recent cultural performances centering around Confucius quite lstimulating. Watching the rituals unfold had me thinking again of China, of no matter how long we stay here there is always something new todiscover. There is so much to revisit to gradually put together a picture of whatI feel constitutes China, including its fascinating Confucian heritage.
   1) nationwide 【,nelJn’wald】 adj.全国的
   2) adjacent 【e’dzelsnt】 adj.邻近的
   3) reflection 【n’flekJn】n.深思
   4) calligraphy 【ka’lgrafi】 n.书法
   5) adjoin 【e’d3o1n】 v.邻近
   6) bank 【baenk】 n.河岸
   8) cramp 【kraemp】v.限制;束缚
   10) ancestral 【aen’sestrel】 adj.祖先的
   7) booth 【bu:0】n.小隔间;展位
   9) intact 【In’taekt】 adj.完好的
   11) stimulate 【stmjulert】 v.刺激;鼓舞
参考译文  主持人:恭喜你!  阿尔文:谢谢。  主持人:你演军人真的很有说服力。  阿尔文:谢谢夸奖。  主持人:(笑,我们看到在影片中,你在火拼激烈的战场上操作那些真枪实弹的武器。对你来说,那是一段怎样的经历?  阿尔文:整个过程都非常棒。这是我出演的第一部电影,而且还是和像李安这样杰出的导演合作,我处于这样的环境下,那感觉显然是非同寻常、很不一般的,但整个过程都非常,非常令人兴奋。这是最让我
老人到底有沒有发过脾气呢?不如你来判断一下吧,哈哈哈!  参考译文  山村里住着一位老人,他因为从未与人发生过争执而远近闻名。一天,有名记者来找老人,想把他从来不发脾气的事写进《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》。于是两人有了以下这番对话:“您活到了九十多岁,却从没有和任何人起过争执。请告诉我,这是真的吗?”  “对,是真的。”  “确实没对任何人发过脾气?”  “没有对任何人发过脾气,确确实实!  “甚至和您
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吃生蚝吃到爽?全球性电脑中毒?中国首架国产飞机试飞?中国的维基百科?谁玩谁上瘾的玩具?这次的新闻有好几则都与我们息息相关,速来围观!老规矩,每读完一则新闻就写下最关鍵的几个词,然后把新闻复述给身边的人听吧!  1丹麦“蚝”满为患,中国出“口”相救  500公噸左右的生蚝侵占了丹麦的海岸,不过中国食客们说不定能出“口”相救。  丹麦驻中国大使馆开玩笑地向社交媒体“求救”,邀请中国游客到丹麦吃生蚝。四
小班 每组图中有什么?数一数各有几样,哪个多哪个少。
疯狂原始人2  这部电影轻松愉快,原始人与文明人之间的语言套路也是深不可测。本文选取三段来自原始人与文明人之间的对白,看看文明人的语言套路都是什么风格,原始人与文明人之间是怎样交流的。  《疯狂原始人2》是由美国梦工厂动画公司制作、环球影业发行的动画电影,由乔尔。克劳福德执导,尼古拉斯。凯奇、艾玛。斯通、瑞安。雷诺兹等联合配音,于2020年11月25日在北美上映,11月27日在中国内地上映。影片讲
羽轩/画   下雨啦,雨点儿落在窗台上,发出叮叮咚咚的声响。   小云朵站在窗边,着迷地听着雨声。慢慢地,一首欢快的《叮咚歌》出现在她的脑海里……   雨一停,小云朵就往米妮小熊家跑。   “嘿,米妮,我刚刚编出一首歌,你想不想听?”小云朵一看见米妮小熊就兴奋地说。   “想啊,当然想听!”米妮小熊回答。   蓝雏菊和蒲公英啊,叮叮咚,叮叮咚!   弯月亮和闪闪星啊,叮叮咚,叮叮咚!   谁最可爱
Which word in each list is different?Why?