
来源 :江苏农业学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsh2000
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中籼稻新品种盐籼156,是江苏近年来种植面积较大的品种之一。1983—1986年每年种植面积均稳定在4.6万公顷以上,一般每公顷产量在8000公斤左右,高产握和典型田块分别高达9075公斤和10860公斤。本文运用数理统计方法分析了盐籼156的产量构成因素,旨在明确它们在产量构成中的作用及其相互关系和适宜的产量构成模式,以利充分发挥该品种的增产潜力和采用与其相适应的栽培措施。 The new indica rice variety Yanxian 156 is one of the cultivated areas in Jiangsu Province in recent years. From 1983 to 1986, the annual acreage of planting was stable at more than 46,000 hectares per year. Generally, the output per hectare was about 8,000 kilograms, while that of high-yielding and typical plots was as high as 9,075 kilograms and 10,860 kilograms respectively. In this paper, we analyzed the yield components of salt indica 156 by using mathematical statistics method, in order to clarify their role in yield composition and their interrelationships and appropriate yield patterns, in order to give full play to the potential yield of this variety and adapt to it Cultivation measures.
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