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当今,以信息技术为核心的新技术革命在军事领域的广泛应用,使先进的高技术装备不断投入战场,空袭与反空袭作战已成为未来高技术局部战争的重要作战样式。我们在为打赢未来高技术局部战争而进行的一系列准备中,防空袭作战中政治工作的准备将对战略全局带来重大影响,积极进行防空袭作战中的政治工作研究,把握其内在规律性,为打赢创造良好的政治和精神条件,是当前需要认真研究和解决的课题。一、信息化条件下的城市防空袭作战给政治工作带来许多亟待解决的新情况和新问题从上个世纪末进行的局部战争和刚刚结束的伊拉克战争 Nowadays, the widespread application of the new technological revolution with information technology as its core in the military field has continuously brought advanced high-tech equipment to the battlefield. The operations of air strikes and anti-air strikes have become an important operational mode for the high-tech local wars in the future. In a series of preparatory preparations for winning the high-tech local war in the future, preparations for political work in air-raid combat operations will bring about a major impact on the overall strategic situation. We will actively study political work in air-raid combat operations and grasp its inherent laws It is currently a topic that needs to be seriously studied and solved in order to create good political and spiritual conditions for winning a victory. First, the urban anti-air raid operations under the condition of information have brought many new situations and problems to be solved urgently for political work. From the partial wars that took place at the end of the last century and the war in Iraq that was just concluded
美国的一个联邦教育小组最近为美国的公共学校的教科书制订了一个新的历史大纲。其中除了传统的有关征服者威廉和黑斯廷斯战 A U.S. federal education team recently deve
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ACCORDING to legend, long, long ago there was only the sun in the sky. But suddenly one night, a strangely shaped moon appeared, it’s light scorched the grain
[案例回放]    在一家电视台工作的小张,在某小区买了一套公寓。由于自己经常加班,所以比较喜欢吃蛋糕甜点等小零食,每月消费都在1000元左右。看到蛋糕甜点店总是人潮如织,她开始琢磨要在自己住的公寓小区里面开一个蛋糕点,小区里住的也都是年轻人,消费量应该很大,每年应该也能挣个四五十万。她赶紧咨询同事、朋友,他们都非常肯定,说这个项目肯定挣钱。听后,小张备受鼓舞。说干就干,她立即租店面、装修、引进烘
赖建雄,这位来自广东梅州的中年男人,如今已是一家拥有800多家全国连锁店、3000多名从业人员的“大”企业总裁。他从卖一个进价只有4元的发夹开始,做到了现在的过亿元身家,3年内他还想将他的小发夹生意做到10亿元以上的规模。      寻找创富“偏门”       1987年,赖建雄从中山大学毕业被分配到中山市精细化工集团,1991年初,也就是在邓小平南巡讲话的前一年,他奋不顾身地下“海”了。   
今年28岁的肖玲是武汉市人,大学毕业后,一直没有找到稳定的工作,那些日子她像只候鸟一样在不同的单位间跳来跳去,心里十分着急。  肖玲是个性格活泼、喜欢交友的女孩。她在大学里结交了很多知心朋友,每到周末或者节假日,大家都喜欢轮流坐庄聚会。    “吵”出来的创业灵感    一次,她们一起去吃饭,其中一个四川籍女孩抱怨道:“武汉的菜太难吃了,吃来吃去都是一个味!”肖玲听了反驳她:“川菜好吃嗎?又麻又辣
Smokers have found there is no escape when their children decide tomake them quit. This has been the experience in Hangzhou,capital city of ZhejiangProvince,wh
ONE winter, my mother told me that the old house had to be sold. Among us children I was the one who most bitterly opposed the scheme to sell because of reason