Nanowire-based transparent conductors for flexible electronics and optoelectronics

来源 :Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gg741852963
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As the necessary components for various modern electronic and optoelectronic devices, novel transparent electrodes(TEs) with the low cost, abundance features, and comparable performance of indium tin oxide(ITO) are inquired materials. Metal nanowires(NWs) with the excellent photoelectric properties as next-generation TE candidates have widely applications in smart optoelectronic devices such as electronic skins, wearable electronics, robotic skins, flexible and stretchable displays. This review describes the synthetic strategies for the preparation of metal NWs, the assemble process for metal NW films,and the practical aspects of metal NW films with the desired properties in various low-cost, flexible,and solution-based photoelectric devices. As the necessary components for various modern electronic and optoelectronic devices, novel transparent electrodes (TEs) with the low cost, abundance features, and comparable performance of indium tin oxide (ITO) are inquired materials. Metal nanowires as next-generation TE candidates have widely applications in smart optoelectronic devices such as electronic skins, wearable electronics, robotic skins, flexible and stretchable displays. This review describes the synthetic strategies for the preparation of metal NWs, the assemble process for metal NW films, and the practical aspects of metal NW films with the desired properties in various low-cost, flexible, and solution-based photoelectric devices.
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