
来源 :毛泽东邓小平理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vampirewoo
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我们说在建设中国特色社会主义的过程中,邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想是马克思主义在当代中国的新发展,但国外的很多左派不认可,国内也有不少干部群众不理解。其重要原因是我们的结论虽然完全正确,但论述不够。目前一些权威性的教材和读本往往是描述较多,告诉人们中国特色社会主义是什么样的,对为什么说它是社会主义的论述太少,往往偏重于阐述党在各个领域的方针政策。当然这也是理论,是应用性理论,因为它同样揭示规律。执政党的理论体系中应用性理论必然占有很大比重,因为它要具体指导各个领域的建设与改革,这是马克思主义的实践性 We say that in the process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ are the new developments of Marxism in contemporary China. However, many leftists abroad do not recognize it and many cadres and masses in China do not understand it . The important reason for this is that although our conclusion is entirely correct, the argument is not sufficient. At present, some authoritative textbooks and reading books tend to describe more and tell people what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics is. There are too few explanations on why it is socialism and the emphasis on explaining the party’s principles and policies in various fields. Of course, this is also a theory and an applied theory because it also reveals the law. The theory of application of the ruling party system is bound to occupy a large proportion of theory, because it is to guide the construction and reform in all fields, which is the practical Marxism
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