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徐亚菲发现自己绝经那天,是夏日里的一个周末。当时她正准备同老公制造一场荡气回肠的房事。过去,他们的房事是每周二度,当然,有时三度四度也是时有发生的。只是,当两人进入知天命的年龄后,便很是理智地进行了节制,由每周二度精简为每周一度。日期安排在每周的周末。具体时间是周末的中午,午饭半小时之后。夫妻二人在长达三十多年的房事中,发现在中午行事比在晚上行事更具新鲜感,更能鼓荡起热烈的激情和潮水的澎湃。他们就将房事固定在了中午。 Xu Yafei found himself the day of the menopause, is a weekend in the summer. At that time she was preparing to create a soul-stirring with her husband. In the past, their sexual intercourse was twice a week, of course, sometimes it happened from time to time. However, when the two men have reached the age of fate, they are sensibly tempered by a reduction from once a week to once a week. The dates are arranged on a weekly weekend. The specific time is noon on weekends, half an hour after lunch. During the more than thirty years of their stay, the couple found that they were more fresh at midday than at night, more enthusiastic and tidal surging. They fixed the room at noon.
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2017年3月7-11日,小松展出了最新的产品、技术和解决方案,尽显市场前瞻者和行业引领者的风范。本届展会,“I AM Komatsu”的主题代表着小松的信念,也意味着小松对客户信任的
<正> 最初认真地读《皇帝的新装》,还是上小学的时候,那时只觉得这个皇帝和他身边的大臣还包括城里的大人们实在是可笑。皇帝明明没有穿衣服。大家却都异口同声地说皇帝的新
每个人的生命只有一次,细细想想也就几十年。少儿时代、学生时代,无忧无虑。长大了,为生计奔波,为家人忙碌。退休了,这是一生中最最美好的时期,有充裕的时间,有足够的精力,焕发第二青春,做自己喜欢的事情。  我喜欢读书。莎士比亚说:书籍是全世界的营养,生活没有书籍,就好像大地没有阳光;智慧里没有书籍,就好像鸟儿没有翅膀。我从小就喜欢读书,退休后,有了自己的时间,看起书来心无旁骛,进行着一次次心灵洗礼,心
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