Transcriptional factors, Mafs and their biological roles

来源 :World Journal of Diabetes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LJC21102309
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The Maf family of transcription factors is characterized by a typical b Zip structure; these transcription factors act as important regulators of the development and differentiation of many organs and tissues, including the kidney. The Maf family consists of two subgroups that are characterized according to their structure: large Maf transcription factors and small Maf transcriptionfactors. The large Maf subgroup consists of four proteins, designated as MAFA, MAFB, c-MAF and neural retina-specific leucine zipper. In particular, MAFA is a distinct molecule that has been attracting the attention of researchers because it acts as a strong transactivator of insulin, suggesting that Maf transcription factors are likely to be involved in systemic energy homeostasis. In this review, we focused on the regulation of glucose/energy balance by Maf transcription factors in various organs. The Maf family of transcription factors is characterized by a typical b Zip structure; these transcription factors act as important regulators of the development and differentiation of many organs and tissues, including the kidney. The Maf family consists of two subgroups that are characterized according to their The large Maf transcription factors and small Maf transcription factors. The large Maf subgroup consists of four proteins, designated as MAFA, MAFB, c-MAF and neural retina-specific leucine zippers. In particular, MAFA is a distinct molecule that has been attracting the attention of researchers because it acts as a strong transactivator of insulin, suggesting that Maf transcription factors are likely to be involved in systemic energy homeostasis. In this review, we focused on the regulation of glucose / energy balance by Maf transcription factors in various organs.
9月21日,中国大陆第一所参与阿尔磁谱仪实验AMS(Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer)项目合作的高校--东南大学召开新闻发布会,发布了丁肇中教授主持的AMS项目的最新研究成果。此项研
某一大型压力设备中有一关键部件———大刚度箱形主梁 ,长 4 0 0 0mm ,横截面为 5 0 0mm× 80 0mm ,材料为Q2 35钢 ,其结构见图 1。梁上需要安装 4个直径为2 0 0mm的气缸。