Women's Rights As Seen in Lady Chatterley's Lover and A Story of One Man and Three Women

来源 :青年文学家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:javaname39
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In China,Pan Jinlian is a household character,and in England,lady Chatterley is similar to Pan Jinlian in David Herbert Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover.In this paper,I would like to introduce Lady Chatterley’s Lover and A Story of One Man and Three Women.Simply.I will analyze the reasons why they were out of marriage and the psychology of the desire for sex.And also I will discuss the social reality at that time,reflect their pursues for love was made use of by the society which gave a wrong comments on women’s value.These two women’s rebellions was a pursue for women’s rights,the enslavement of sex was a symbol of women’s rights. In China, Pan Jinlian is a household character, and in England, lady Chatterley is similar to Pan Jinlian in David Herbert Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover. In this paper, I would like to introduce Lady Chatterley’s Lover and A Story of One Man and Three Women .Simply.I will analyze the reasons why they were out of marriage and the psychology of the desire for sex.And also I will discuss the social reality at that time, reflect their pursues for love was made use of by the society which gave a wrong comments on women’s value. these two women’s rebellions was a pursue for women’s rights, the enslavement of sex was a symbol of women’s rights.
在英语教学中实施创新教育,应坚持以人为本,在语言学习的过程中培养学生的创新性思维,引导学生进行创新性学习。本文就大学英语教学方法的创新进行了研究探讨。 In the impl