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众所周知,“梅花奖”是由中国剧协举办的一项每年一度的全国性戏剧大奖——从该年曾在北京露过面的演员中遴选,至今已有六年。但凡四十五岁以下的演员,无不翘首以待。在“梅花奖”的得主当中,既有四十开外的中年演员,也不乏二十出头的后起之秀。对于四十五岁的上限,最初也有人提出过异议——指出那些超过四十五岁的优秀演员,难道就没有奔头了吗?后来,文化部决定在六十五岁以上的成熟艺术家中评定艺术大师,就缓和了“梅花奖”上限问题上的矛盾性。时至今日,“梅花奖”的一切一切,仿佛都已经成为定局和无懈可击了。在1990年岁末,在徽班进京200周年纪念活动即将举行的前夕,武汉汉剧院来京演出了著 As we all know, “Plum Blossom Award ” is an annual National Drama Awards organized by the Chinese Theater Association - from the year had been exposed in Beijing actor selection, it has been six years. Anyone under forty-five years old is waiting for the moment. Among the winners of the Plum Blossom Award, there are both middle-aged actors and actresses who are forty or so away from home and no shortage of rising stars in their early twenties. Initially, the 45-year-old captioned also raised objections - pointing out that those outstanding performers aged 45 and above were not ready to move on. Later, the Ministry of Culture decided to rate among the mature artists over 65 years of age Master of Arts, to alleviate the “Plum Blossom Award ” ceiling on the contradiction. Today, “Plum Blossom Award ” everything, as if both have become a foregone conclusion and impeccable. At the end of 1990, on the eve of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the emblem of the class in Beijing, the Wuhan Han Theater performed in Beijing
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【摘要】高职院校的数学教学中存在着一些不足之处,还需要进行不断地完善.所以,本文将对高职院校数学的教学存在的问题进行分析.并通过分析高职院校的数学教学存在的问题,提出相应的解决措施,希望能够给高职院校的数学教学提供一些可以参考的意见.  【关键词】高职院校;数学教学;问题  在当前,我国的高职院校中数学教学面临着许多困难,其主要表现在教学内容多、教学课时少、教材不规范、学习积极性很低以及生源素质总
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