沈阳陵北第二储蓄所通过活学活用毛主席著作 用毛泽东思想统一职工思想坚定正确的政治方向

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沈阳陵北第二储蓄所,八年如一日,坚持活学活用毛主席著作。他们用毛泽东思想武装人的头脑,树立“完全”、“彻底”为人民服务的思想,并当好毛泽东思想的宣传员,狠抓人的思想革命化,这是值得大家认真学习的带根本性的经验。《大公报》在报道陵北二所的经验时,发表编者按如下: 沈阳陵北第二储蓄所,把用毛泽东思想培养和造就无产阶级革命的职工,当作自己的首要任务,八年来坚持组织职工活学活用毛主席著作,取得了很大的成绩。事实再一次证明,突出政治的根本的根本,就是突出毛泽东思想。我们财贸企业一定要坚持社会主义方向,走社会主义道路,全心全意为工农业生产服务,为城乡人民生活服务。只有有了用毛泽东思想武装起来的人,才能坚持社会主义、共产主义方向,不论什么工作都能做好。正如林彪同志指出的: “毛泽东思想,反映了国内国际阶级斗争的客观规律,反映了无产阶级、劳动人民的根本利益。毛泽东思想并不是劳动人民自发地产生的,而是毛主席在伟大的革命实践基础上天才地继承和发展了马克思列宁主义的思想,是综合了国际共产主义运动的新经验,把马克思列宁主义提高到一个崭新的阶段。“因此,必须通过活学活用毛主席著作,把毛主席的思想灌输到工人、农民中去,才能改变劳动人民的精神面貌,才能使精神力量转化为巨大的物质力量。”社会主义财贸工作,是经济工作,也是政治工作和群众工作。应当把我们的财贸企业办成毛泽东思想的大学校。而且,还要象陵北第二储蓄所那样,充分发挥毛泽东思想传播者的作用。 The second depository in Shenyang North Lingling District, for eight years as a day, insisted on using the book by Chairman Mao. They armed themselves with Mao Tse-tung’s thought and established the ideology of “complete” and “thorough” service to the people. They should also serve as promoters of Mao Tse-tung’s thought and pay close attention to the revolution in their thinking. This is a fundamental issue worthy of serious study by all experience of. When reporting on the experience of the Lingbei Second School, Ta Kung Pao released the editorial as follows: The Second Depository of Shenyang Northern Lomb, regarded the workers who trained and brought about the proletarian revolution with Mao Zedong Thought as their top priority, and insisted on organizing the work of staff and workers for the past eight years Learning to use Chairman Mao’s work has achieved great success. Facts once again prove that highlighting the fundamental root of politics is to highlight Mao Zedong Thought. We Financial and Trade Enterprises must adhere to the socialist direction, take the socialist road, wholeheartedly for the industrial and agricultural production services for urban and rural people’s lives. Only people armed with Mao Zedong Thought can adhere to the socialist and communist directions and can do well whatever their work. As Comrade Lin Piao pointed out, “Mao Zedong Thought reflected the objective laws of the domestic and international class struggles and reflected the fundamental interests of the proletariat and the working people. Mao Zedong Thought was not spontaneously generated by the working people but was Chairman Mao’s great revolution On the basis of practice, the idea of ​​inheriting and developing genius Marxism-Leninism is a synthesis of the new experience of the international communist movement and elevating Marxism-Leninism to a completely new stage. ”Therefore, it is necessary to make use of Chairman Mao’s work through live study, Only by instilling into our workers and peasants the idea of ​​Chairman Mao can we change the mental outlook of the working people so that the spiritual power can be transformed into a huge material force. "Socialist finance and trade work is an economic work as well as a political work and a mass work, and we should make our finance and trade enterprises a great school of Mao Zedong Thought. Moreover, we should give full scope to the role of the Mao Zedong Thought Spreaders effect.
警徽盾牌闪金光,  特殊战线我站岗。  忠于职守行使命,  扫黑除恶敢担当。  稳定社会任务艰,  止暴制乱冲在先。  保驾护航功勋著,  峥嵘显现血汗間。
我 公司F型装载机工作装置的动臂各铰接孔内安装了由45钢制成的钢套 ,装配时需要将钢套压入到已加工好的孔内。由于动臂的尺寸太大 ,无法在油压机的工作台上将钢套压入 ,采用
早说要去北大看看,说了多少次也没有成行。至于为什么一定要去北大,因她是有着百年历史的中国第一高等学府,慕名而至。  2019年五月的北京,春意盎然,鲜花盛开,鸟语花香,在这个美好的季节里,我有幸到北大进行短期学习。当我走进北大,终于可以近距离欣赏她的美,感受她的博大精深。  北大一位给我们授课的老教授说:“北大有那么一首诗,未名湖是个海洋,诗人都藏在水底,灵魂们都是一条鱼,也会从水面跃起。’来到北