
来源 :延边党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang19890922
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哲学社会科学话语权是一个国家软实力的表现,要想掌握话语权必须建构系统全面的哲学社会科学话语体系。解决中国特色社会主义实践过程中诸多问题,实现“两个巩固”和中国哲学社会科学繁荣发展和提升国家软实力和国际话语权,给建成哲学社会科学话语体系提出了时代要求。要建成中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的哲学社会科学话语体系必须坚持深入和浅出、继承与创新、国家化与本土化、科学精神与人文精神“四个统一”。 Philosophy and Social Sciences Discourse power is the performance of a country’s soft power. To grasp the power of discourse, it is necessary to construct a systematic philosophical and social discourse system. To solve many problems in the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to achieve “two consolidation” and the prosperity and development of Chinese philosophy and social sciences, as well as the promotion of national soft power and international discourse rights, the requirements of the times have been set for building a philosophical and social discourse system. To build a philosophical and social discourse system with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style, we must insist on “four unifications” in depth and simplicity, succession and innovation, nationalization and localization, scientific spirit and humane spirit.
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