Refractive index sensor based on a step index multimode polymer optical f iber with a micro-hole cre

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A compact in-fiber refractive index (RI) sensor based on a step index multimode polymer optical fiber with a micro-hole drilled by a miniature numerical control machine is presented. A good linear relationship between the transmission and RI over a large operating range from 1.335 to 1.475 and a sensitivity of 36 071.43 mV/RIU (RI unit) are found. The relationship between the transmission and the RI of the hole depends on the micro-hole’s diameter and depth. The RI sensor developed in this letter is low-cost, easily fabricated, and capable of continuous measurement.
The computed tomography imaging of a local region inside a sample with a size larger than the field of view is particularly important for synchrotron X-ray imaging. In this letter, an improved algorithm is proposed to reconstruct the local structure insid
中红外可调谐激光已被广泛应用于医疗、军事,以及环保等领域。利用1064 nm激光抽运磷酸钛氧钾(KTP)晶体光参量振荡器(OPO)产生2.6 μm波长可调谐参量激光。该光参量振荡器采用腔外单谐振结构,利用Ⅱ类相位匹配的方式获得了最大的非线性系数。实验实现了2.4~2.8 μm的波长调谐范围,并在155 mJ泵浦能量下,获得了最大单脉冲能量为12.6 mJ、转化效率为8.1%、光束质量为5倍的衍射极限。
多普勒差分干涉光谱仪是傅里叶变换型光谱仪,在大气风速反演过程中,偶延拓的反演光谱无法直接解出目标谱线的相位,而且在实际测量中反演光谱中含有的杂散光谱线、噪声等,使得复干涉图相位发生变化,最终导致反演风速值的偏差。所以,在对实际噪声环境下测得数据的处理过程中,获取反演光谱相位信息时需要对目标谱线进行提取。针对不同信噪比的干涉图,利用蒙特卡罗方法对不同线宽的不同窗函数的优化反演结果进行分析。结果表明:对于信噪比高于26.5 dB的干涉图,线宽为4~5倍光谱分辨率的高斯窗函数是最优的窗函数优化方式;对于信噪比低
目前发现了一些新的超导材料,其中有些能在18 °K这一较高温度下工作。这给超导体在高能物理中的应用开辟了光辉的前程。一般采用铌-锆、铌-锡等合金作超导材料。超导体的最大优点是能储存巨大的能量,且体积小、重量轻、能快速操作,因而在军事设备中大有作为,其用途之一是可作轻便能源。
A new method for natural color image segmentation using integrated mechanism is proposed in this paper. Edges are first detected in term of the high phase congruency in the gray-level image. K-mean cluster is used to label long edge lines based on the glo