实践“三个代表”重要思想 恪守统计职业道德

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2001年9月中共中央制定的《公民道德实施纲要》中提出,我国公民道德建设要“以社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德为着力点”。并指出,“职业道德是所有从业人员在职业活动中应该遵循的行为准则,……随着现代社会分工的发展和专业化程度的增强,市场竞争日趋激烈,整个社会对从业人员职业观念、职业态度、职业技能、职业纪律和职业作风的要求越来越高”。统计职业道德作为社会主义社会职业道德体系中的一个重要组成部分,具有鲜明的行业个性特点和服务社会的价值取向,其特殊的道德意识、道德规范和道德准则,无不体现了我们党坚持“实事求是”的思 In September 2001, the “Outline for the Implementation of Civic Ethics” formulated by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed that the construction of civic morality in our country should “focus on social ethics, professional ethics and family virtues.” And pointed out that “professional ethics is the code of conduct that all practitioners should follow in their professional activities ... With the development of the division of labor and the degree of specialization in the modern society, the market competition is getting fiercer and fiercer. The society as a whole, Professional attitude, professional skills, professional discipline and professional style requirements higher and higher ”. As an important part of the social morality system in society, statistical professional ethics has distinctive characteristics of industry personality and value orientation of serving the society. Its special moral awareness, moral norms and moral standards embody our party’s adherence to the principle of “ Realistic ”thinking
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