Enhancement Factors in Ozone Absorption Based on the Surface Renewal Model and its Application

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:newboard
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Based on the Danckwerts surface renewal model,a simple explicit expression of the enhancement factorin ozone absorption with a first order ozone self decomposition and paral1el second order ozonation reactions hasbeen derived.The results are compared with our previous work based on the film theory.The 2,4-dichlorophenoldestruction rate by ozonation is predicted using the enhancement factor model in this paper. Based on the Danckwerts surface renewal model, a simple explicit expression of the enhancement factor in ozone absorption with a first order ozone self decomposition and paral1el second order ozonation reactions hasbeen derived. Results are compared with our previous work based on the film theory. 2 , 4-dichlorophenol destruction rate by ozonation is predicted using the enhancement factor model in this paper.
This research studied the initiator efficiency for producing polymeric particles of poly(styrene-co-methylmethacrylate) copolymers by a Shirasu porous glass me
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1 遗精张某某,男,24岁,1987年5月12日初诊,门诊号:3054。患者形体健壮,平素多虑易怒。自诉反复遗精已半年,曾多方求医诊治,选服补心肾固精之剂不效。现症:面色红赤,口苦口干
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