Kinetic Equation for Internal Oxidation of Cu-Al Alloy Spheres

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CrazyDesire
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The kinetics of internal oxidation of Cu-Al alloy spheres, containing up to 2.214% mole fraction Al was investigated in the temperature range 1 023 K to 1 273 K, and the depth of internal oxidation was measured in the microscopy. A kinetic equation was derived to describe the internal oxidation of Cu-Al alloy spheres, which was checked experimentally by means of oxidation depth measurements. The results show that the derived equation is exact enough to describe the kinetics of internal oxidation of Cu-Al alloy spheres. Based on this equation and the oxidation depth measurements, the permeability of oxygen in solid copper has been obtained. Investigation also shows that in the process of internal oxidation, there is no evidence for preferential diffusion along grain boundaries. The kinetics of internal oxidation of Cu-Al alloy spheres, containing up to 2.214% mole fraction Al was investigated in the temperature range 1 023 K to 1 273 K, and the depth of internal oxidation was measured in the microscopy. A kinetic equation was derived to describe the internal oxidation of Cu-Al alloy spheres, which was checked experimentally by means of oxidation depth measurements. Based on that kinetic of internal oxidation of Cu-Al alloy spheres. Based on the equation and the oxidation depth measurements, the permeability of oxygen in solid copper has been obtained.
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