A novel absorptive thin film for laser welding in optoelectronic device capsulation

来源 :光学精密工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stonecxx
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A kind of absorptive thin film was designed and used in laser welding of SiO_2, Si and LiNbO_3. This absorptive thin film of three-layer metal-dielectric-metal structure is designed for further reducing the high reflectance of the Nd:YAG laser beam on the surface of the tin layer that is utilized as solder between the transparent parent materials. The actual absorption of laser energy in experiment exceeds 99%. This combination of absorber and solder transformed the laser energy into heat efficiently and decreased the minimum necessary incident laser power transmitting through the transparent parent materials. As a result, the damage of the parent materials, which is suffered from laser transmission, was avoided; On the other hand, mechanical stability of the welded materials had been improved. Experiment had been made to show the difference between welding with and without the absorptive thin film. A kind of absorptive thin film was designed and used in laser welding of SiO 2, Si and LiNbO 3. This absorptive thin film of three-layer metal-dielectric-metal structure is designed for further reducing the high reflectance of the Nd: YAG laser beam on the surface of the tin layer that is utilized as solder between the transparent parent materials. The actual absorption of laser energy in experiment exceeds 99%. This combination of absorber and solder transformed the laser energy into heat efficiently and decreased the minimum necessary incident laser power transmitting through the transparent parent materials. As a result, the damage of the parent materials, which is suffered from laser transmission, was avoided; On the other hand, mechanical stability of the welded materials had been improved. difference between welding with and without the absorptive thin film.
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