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  How Should We Celebrate Our Birthday?
  It is good to be thankful for what you have in life and what you have accomplished. But open your eyes to the larger picture. If we are to appreciate the fruits of life, we must first appreciate the tree that bears the fruit: birth itself.
  Birth is your beginning. It is a window to the chance of a lifetime, the chance to fulfill your unique mission. So a birthday is a momentous[重要的] occasion to be commemorated[纪念] just as a nation commemorates its birth or as an organization celebrates its founding. Still, it is much more than an occasion to receive gifts. It is a chance to remember the day that a major event
  occurred, to celebrate and give thanks and to reflect upon how well we are fulfilling our calling.
  A birthday is a time to celebrate birth itself – the joy of life. It is also an occasion to rethink your life: How great is the disparity[不同] between what I have accomplished and what I can accomplish? Am I spending my time properly or am I involved in things that distract me from my higher calling? How can I strengthen the thread that connects my outer life and my inner life?
  A birthday can also teach us the concept of rebirth. To recall our birth is to recall a new beginning. No matter how things went yesterday, or last year, we always have the capacity to try again. Your birthday is a refresher, a chance for regeneration[重生] – not just materially, but also
  On your birthday, gather with family and friends and study something meaningful together.
  There is no better way to celebrate a birthday than to commit a special act of goodness. It is easy enough to say you are thankful; it is far better to show it by doing a kind deed – something that you did not do yesterday. Not because someone is forcing you. Not because someone suggests it. But simply because your inner goodness, your soul, wants to express its thanks for being born and alive.
  Such an act of kindness also tells that you are living up to[生活得无愧于……] inborn potential. And nothing, of course, gives a parent greater joy. This is the true experience of birth, the true beginning of a life of meaning.
  Birthday Celebration Twists and Weird Ideas
  Birthdays are the one time of year when we ought to be able to celebrate in ways that are meaningful to us as individuals.
  Just because everyone else has a birthday cake doesn’t mean you must have one, too. Give some thought to what would
  really make you happy instead and pass along your idea to a
  supportive friend or family member.
  1 Ask for a birthday pie instead of a cake. There’s no law that says you have to eat cake on the day you were born. If you prefer
  coconut cream pie, have it. Or perhaps a plate of German
  chocolate brownies[核仁巧克力蛋糕] would suit you better. Whatever your favorite confection[糖果], arrange to have it for your birthday, even if you end up buying it for yourself. After all, when will you feel any more special than you do on your birthday?
  2 Dress up as your favorite celebrity. If you’ve always admired Audrey Hepburn or Avril, wear a makeup or get your hair done to go with a new outfit that lets you feel like your favorite star. Or try something wild and daring for your own new look. Take photographs to remember the occasion with fondness in the future.
  3 Choose an age and for that day, act it. For example, if you are really turning 20 but decide to choose “15” as your birthday age, behave as a 15-year-old would, with appropriate clothes,
  attitude, and activities. Or you might prefer to try on “25” or “10” for the day. Then have fun exploring your new identity, taking a friend along as your social
  4 Have a birthday breakfast rather than a
  birthday dinner. Meet a few friends or relatives at a nearby restaurant for a fun start to your birthday. Bring candles to put on a stack of pancakes in lieu of[替代]
  a cake. Perhaps the serving staff will sing Happy Birthday when they find out it’s your special day!
  5 Keep a year-round list of quirky[古怪的] or hard-to-find gifts that you can ask for when someone wants to know what you want for your birthday. Why get stuck with a gift card when you might be able to receive a 500-year-old collector’s coin from a friend who shops Ebay? A list will prevent your forgetting some of the fun ideas that come to mind during the year.
  6 Host an unusual celebratory[庆典的] event.
  Instead of the usual birthday party with traditional games, try something different, like a sleepover, a pizza party, or a chocolate dessert party. Plan a get-together with an unusual twist that will have everyone prancing[欢跃] with impatience while they wait for the date to get there and buzzing
  about[(忙得)团团转] it afterwards.
  Birthdays should be fun and meaningful times. Make new memories with people you care about and take a camera along to record them. Collect birthday reflections in a journal or a photo album to enjoy upon reflection later.
  1 要一个生日馅饼而非生日蛋糕。没有法律明文规定你在生日这一天必须吃蛋糕。如果你比较喜欢吃椰子奶油馅饼,那就大饱口福吧。或许一盘子德式巧克力蛋糕更合你意。无论你钟情哪种甜食,在生日那天吃上一点吧,哪怕最终得自己掏钱买。毕竟,还有哪个日子会让你觉得比在生日犒劳自己更特别呢?
  2 仿效自己喜爱的名人那样打扮。如果你一直很崇拜
  3 为生日那天的自己选择一个岁数,然后全情投入地扮演。比如说你即将迎来20岁生日,但是决定过一个“15岁”的生日,那么就表现得像一个15岁的孩子吧——穿上合适的衣服,怀揣合适的态度,参加合适的活动。或许你也会希望在生日那天尝一下“25岁”或者“10岁”的滋味呢。好好发掘你的新身份,尽情享受个中乐趣——带上一个朋友能给你一点“掩护”(以免吓着他人)哦。
  4 吃生日早餐而不是生日晚餐。在附近的餐馆和一群朋友或亲人相聚,给你的生日来一个有趣的开始。带上一些蜡烛,插在一叠薄煎饼而非蛋糕上。也许当服务生发现今天是你的生日的时候,他们还会为你献唱一首生日歌呢!
  5 准备一张年度清单,写下一些古灵精怪或者难以找到的礼物,如此一来,当别人问你想要什么生日礼物时,你便可以给他们出难题了。当你有可能从一个喜欢网购的朋友那里收到一枚有500年历史的收藏硬币时,又何必纠结于生日卡呢?这张清单可以防止你忘记自己在这一年中随时想到的鬼主意哦。
  6 举行一个非比寻常的庆祝活动。忘掉平凡的生日派对和传统游戏吧,尝试一些不一样的点子——比如到别人家过夜、参加薄饼派对或者巧克力甜品派对等。策划一个意想不到的特别聚会,让每一个人都为这一天的来临而急不可待,并且在聚会过后快乐地奔走相告。
你知道吗?“Frisbee”这个词由“Frisbie”演变而来,原本是一家馅饼生产公司的名字。也许当年想到用锡盘装馅饼的人也没料到这个设计会衍生出一项广受欢迎的运动……    The Frisbee that many people know today was not   exactly the same Frisbee that was thrown and played years ago.
You remember them. People like Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Nicolas Cage – putting their faces on the movie posters would sell tickets.   No more. Once the safeguard of Hollywood’s most pr
Every morning I excitedly get out of bed. Just a few minutes of goals and visions for the day 1)swirl in my head. No 2)lingering for me, no alarm, no wishful notes, too. Just me in my night gown with
While waiting to pick up a friend at the airport in Portland, Oregon, I had one of those life-changing experiences that you hear other people talk about – the kind that 1)sneaks up on you unexpectedly
除了煮方便面,现在城市里的年轻人会做饭的估计没几个。但苏格兰小伙子  弗雷泽·多尔蒂显然与一般年轻人不同。14岁那年,祖母教会他做果酱,一个果酱  王国随之诞生。  一开始,弗雷泽只是把果酱卖给邻居和附近的农场。经过不断的研究,他发展出一套制作纯天然果酱的方法。弗雷泽随后着手打造自己的品牌,不断完善果酱配方,终于成功让其果酱在英国大型超市上架,成为年轻的企业家。他现在的目标是拓展海外市场,让更多人
Please tell me one more time  That I’m not dreaming  I’ll paint clouds with sunshine  Oh that’s my feeling  Could it be forever  It’s a night I will remember  Together we’re stronger than alone    Bab
Raindrops are falling on my head  And just like the guy who’s feet are too big for his bed  Nothing seems to fit  Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling    So I just did me some tal
《别让我走》讲述了三个在寄宿学校一起长大的伙伴过着与世隔绝的生活。直到有一天,他们发现自己原来是克隆人,而存在的唯一目的就是为别人提供移植器官。听起来是否似曾相识?没错,这剧情跟2005年的《逃出克隆岛》(The Island)如出一辙,所以很多人把它称为后者的文艺版。从预告片可以看出,这部改编自石黑一雄  同名小说的电影绝对不是卖弄特技的科幻片,而是一部刻画人性的细腻之作。本片清一色的英国演员阵
Cast  Blake Lively...Serena van der Woodsen  Leighton Meester...Blair Waldorf  Penn Badgley...Dan Humphrey  Chace Crawford...Nate Archibald  Taylor Momsen...Jenny Humphrey  Ed Westwick...Chuck Bass  K
它们也许很迷人——甚至很可爱——但有些动物似乎天生就与我们人类“有仇”,无论它们自己是否意识到这一点。在它们踏入人类领地时,麻烦接踵而来,所到之处往往一片狼藉。究竟是哪些动物给我们带来如此厉害而又让人头痛的“Trick or Treat”呢?    Elephant Seal 海象  They say love is blind, and perhaps no animal is “blinder