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目的了解全科型乡镇卫生院辖区农村居民对便携式药包的需求,为科学设计适合全科型地区农村居民使用的便携式药包提供依据。方法采用单纯随机抽样与整群抽样相结合的方法,对湖南、宁夏与江苏省3个全科型卫生院所辖150户户主对便携式药包的需求进行调查与分析。结果农村居民对便携式药包的需求率为83.3%。125户需求者期望便携式药包能储存的主要药品为:感冒药(95.2%)、创口贴(68.0%)、清凉油(44.0%)、风油精(35.2%)、高血压用药(21.6%)、碘酊(14.4%);期望能储存的主要器械为体温计(79.2%)、棉签(68.8%)、血压计(23.2%);期望其大小为:长(25.94±10.95)cm,宽(18.59±10.24)cm,高(16.73±11.76)cm。期望其主要的功能特点为适用(76.0%)、安全(60.8%)、轻便(41.6%)、经济(45.6%)、防水(34.4%)、简单(26.4%),期望其价格主要为11~20元占53.6%;对材质需求主要倾向于硬材料者占80.0%,并把塑料作为原材料的首选。结论全科型卫生院辖区农村居民对便携式药包的需求率较高,便携式药包的设计与制作应充分满足农村居民的需求,只有尊重市场需求,才能保证便携式药包推广使用。 Objective To understand the demand for portable medicine package for rural residents in general hospitals of township health centers and provide the basis for the scientific design of portable medicine packages suitable for rural residents in general practice areas. Methods The method of combining random sampling and cluster sampling was used to investigate and analyze the demand for portable medicine packs in 150 households headed by 3 general hospitals in Hunan, Ningxia and Jiangsu Provinces. Results The demand rate of rural residents for portable kits was 83.3%. 125 household densities are expected to be the main medicines that can be stored in portable drug packs: cold medicine (95.2%), wound paste (68.0%), cool oil (44.0%), essential oil (35.2%) and hypertensive medication (21.6% , And iodine (14.4%). The main instruments expected to be stored were the thermometer (79.2%), the swab (68.8%) and the sphygmomanometer (23.2%); the expected size was 25.94 ± 10.95 cm in length and 18.59 ± 10.24) cm, height (16.73 ± 11.76) cm. It is expected that the main features are 76.0% security, 60.8% security, 41.6% lightness, 45.6% economy, 34.4% water resistance, and 26.4% simplicity. 20 yuan accounted for 53.6%; material requirements mainly tend to hard material accounted for 80%, and the plastic as the first choice of raw materials. Conclusions The demand rates of portable drug packs are higher among rural residents in general hospitals. The design and manufacture of portable drug packs should fully meet the needs of rural residents. Only by respecting the market demand can portable drug packs be popularized and used.
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