
来源 :新语文学习(小学中年级版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:s_ants
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每当在公园的广场上看到很多小朋友玩轮滑的时候,我总是十分羡慕。于是,我就想,自己要是也能像他们一样轻快地在广场上滑动该是一件多么美好的事情啊!暑假里,爸爸去南方出差,回来的时候给我带了一双旱冰鞋。就这样,我开始了学习轮滑的日子。真是看花容易绣花难啊,我刚穿上那鞋子立起来的时候,一不小心就会滑倒。我知道自己摔倒的样子肯定很难看,旁边的小朋友一定都在笑我。我越想越气,把鞋子一扔就回家了。 Whenever I saw many children playing roller skating in the square of the park, I was always envious. So, I thought it would be wonderful if I had to slide in the square like they did! In my summer vacation, my father went to the South for a business trip and brought me back a pair of roller skates. In this way, I started learning skating day. Really easy to see the flowers embroidered hard, I just put on the shoes stand up, when accidentally slipping. I know the way I fall is certainly ugly, next to the children must be laughing at me. I feel more and more gas, fling the shoes to go home.
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