来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuyan881119
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Based on a new idea for research on cycling of marine biogenic elements, this study showed that only the leachable form phosphorus in natural grain sizes marine sediments constitutes the transferable phosphorous in the sediments. The transferable phosphorus content in the natural grain sizes surface sediments in the Huanghe River estuary adjacent waters ranges from 58.5-69.8 μg/g, accounting for only 9.1%-11.0% of the total phosphorus content, whereas the leachable form (“transferable“) phosphorus content in the sediment after it was totally ground into powder was found to be 454.8-529.2 μg/g, accounting for 73.4%-89.1% of the total phosphorus. Analysis of the correlation between the biomass of benthos and the leachable form (“transferable”) phosphorus showed that most of the leachable form (“transferable“) phosphorus in the totally ground sediment did not participate in the marine biogeochemical cycling. Furthermore, a synchronous survey on benthos showed that the biomass of meio and macro benthos exhibited good positive correlation with the leachable form of phosphorus in the natural grain sizes sediment, but poorer correlation with the leachable form (“transferable”) phosphorus in the totally ground sediment, indicating that transferable phosphorus in marine sediment is the leachable form of phosphorus in the natural grain sizes sediments, and is not the previously known leachable form (“transferable“) phosphorus obtained from the totally ground sediment. Based on a new idea for research on cycling of marine biogenic elements, this study showed that only that leachable form phosphorus in natural grain sizes marine sediments constitutes the transferable phosphorous in the sediments. The transferable phosphorus content in the natural grain sizes surface sediments in the Huanghe River estuary adjacent waters ranges from 58.5-69.8 μg / g, accounting for only 9.1% -11.0% of the total phosphorus content, but the leachable form (”transferable“) phosphorus content in the sediment after it was totally ground into powder was found to be 454.8-529.2 μg / g, accounting for 73.4% -89.1% of the total phosphorus. Analysis of the correlation between the biomass of benthos and the leachable form (”transferable“) phosphorus showed that most of the leachable form (”Transferable “) phosphorus in the totally ground sediment did not participate in the marine biogeochemical cycling. Furthermore, a synchronous survey on benthos showed that the biom ass of meio and macro benthos exhibiting positive positive correlation with the leachable form of phosphorus in the natural grain sizes sediment, but poorer correlation with the leachable form (”transferable“) phosphorus in the totally ground sediment, indicating that transferable phosphorus in marine sediment is the leachable form of phosphorus in the natural grain sizes sediments, and not the previously known leachable form (”transferable") phosphorus obtained from the totally ground sediment.
薰蒸{拿纂羲家鬓摹霎数锹馨银钤叮当·国画@赵永青$西安煤矿机械厂子弟学校 Fumigation (take Xi Xi Xi 鬓 G Shampoo Xin silver 钤 Jingle Bells Painting @ Zhao Yongqin
目的:分析中药附子的不良反应,研究其产生原因,为附子的临床用药提供指导;方法:选取2012年5月-2014年9月我院58例发生中药附子不良反应,并对中药附子的不良反应进行分析;结果:导致中药附子不良反应发生的主要因素包括其含有的毒性成分、使用剂量过大、炮制方法不当、煎煮不当、患者个体差异、服用不当、配伍不当、误诊误用;结论:要减少中药附子不良反应的发生,要在医生、药品本身、患者三方面入手. “,”Objective:To analyse the adverse reactions of tradition
1病例简介 患者男性,58岁,因“右眼破木柴击伤后4天”入院.患者于4天前右眼不慎被木柴击伤,出现右眼疼痛、发红、流泪、畏光等症状.与当地医院就诊,诊断为“病毒性角膜炎”,给予抗炎等治疗,未见明显好转.近两日出现明显视力下降,遂来我院就诊,门诊以“右眼病毒性角膜溃疡”收入院.入院查体,全身情况:体温36.5℃,脉搏80次,分,呼吸22次,分,血压120/75mmHg,神智清楚.