
来源 :中国医药指南 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangxiaojuan
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Background:Disability rate following brain hemorrhage is high.Rcovery and improvement of movement function is closely related to management of brain hemorrhage
1 Subjects and methodsrn1.1 Subjects 120 Patients with CT or MRI roved brain infarction including 70 males and 50 males were recruited. 60 cases aged from 50~ 65
Background:80% stroke patients still leave behind functional disturbance in different degree after treatment,which make great influence on patients living level.
Background:Clear of hematoma and decrease of intracerebral pressure are necessary in the treatment of spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage.Conservative therapy is ch
Objective In order to determine correct rehabilitation treatment,we analyze characteristics,complications of myocardial infarcti in elders.Method Regression ana
带锁髓内钉可控制骨折的短缩和旋转畸形 , 扩大了普通髓内钉的使用范围 , 具有手术创伤小 , 感染率低 , 骨折愈合率高 , 功能恢复快等优点 . 应用此方法治疗股骨干骨折 48例
1995年利用自己研制的中药面膜及按摩膏治疗面部烧伤后色素沉着 700例,瘢痕增生 250例,效果甚佳。色素沉着有效率 96.1%,瘢痕增生有效率 86.4%。 1 对象与方法 1.1 对象将患者按面