Investigation of the current situation of nipple-sparing mastectomy: a large multicenter study in Ch

来源 :中华医学杂志英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiancyp
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Background::Mastectomy techniques have been extended to nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM). This study aimed to assess the actual application of NSM in China and identify the factors influencing postoperative complications.Methods::The clinical data of 615 patients (641 surgeries) undergoing NSM from January 1st, 2018 to December 31st, 2018 at 28 centers nationwide were retrospectively analyzed to obtain the rate of NSM and investigate factors related to NSM surgery.Results::The proportion of NSM surgery performed in this study was 2.67% (17/641). Malignant breast tumors accounted for the majority of NSM surgery (559/641, 87.2%). A total of 475 (77.3%) patients underwent NSM combined with reconstructive surgery. The rate of reconstruction decreased with age in our study, and implants were the most common option (344/641, 53.7%) in reconstruction. Radial incision was the most selected method regardless of reconstruction. However, for those who underwent reconstruction surgery, 18.4% (85/462) of cases also chose curvilinear incision, while in the simple NSM surgery group, more patients chose circumareolar incision (26/136, 19.1%). The tumor-to-nipple distance (TND) influenced postoperative complications (n P = 0.004). There were no relationships between postoperative complications and tumor size, tumor location, histologic grade, molecular subtype, nipple discharge, and axillary lymph nodes.n Conclusions::NSM surgery is feasible and only TND influenced postoperative complications of NSM surgery. But the proportion of NSM surgery performed is still low in nationwide centers of China. The selection criteria for appropriate surgical methods are important for NSM in clinical practice. To optimize clinical applications of NSM, further multicenter prospective randomized controlled studies are needed.Trial, ChiCTR1900027423;“,”Background::Mastectomy techniques have been extended to nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM). This study aimed to assess the actual application of NSM in China and identify the factors influencing postoperative complications.Methods::The clinical data of 615 patients (641 surgeries) undergoing NSM from January 1st, 2018 to December 31st, 2018 at 28 centers nationwide were retrospectively analyzed to obtain the rate of NSM and investigate factors related to NSM surgery.Results::The proportion of NSM surgery performed in this study was 2.67% (17/641). Malignant breast tumors accounted for the majority of NSM surgery (559/641, 87.2%). A total of 475 (77.3%) patients underwent NSM combined with reconstructive surgery. The rate of reconstruction decreased with age in our study, and implants were the most common option (344/641, 53.7%) in reconstruction. Radial incision was the most selected method regardless of reconstruction. However, for those who underwent reconstruction surgery, 18.4% (85/462) of cases also chose curvilinear incision, while in the simple NSM surgery group, more patients chose circumareolar incision (26/136, 19.1%). The tumor-to-nipple distance (TND) influenced postoperative complications (n P = 0.004). There were no relationships between postoperative complications and tumor size, tumor location, histologic grade, molecular subtype, nipple discharge, and axillary lymph nodes.n Conclusions::NSM surgery is feasible and only TND influenced postoperative complications of NSM surgery. But the proportion of NSM surgery performed is still low in nationwide centers of China. The selection criteria for appropriate surgical methods are important for NSM in clinical practice. To optimize clinical applications of NSM, further multicenter prospective randomized controlled studies are needed.Trial, ChiCTR1900027423;
在面临可持续生产的挑战下,有一股新的思想,技术及工艺正影响着制造商们.一种概念为资源有效分配制造叫做REM (Resource Efficient Manufacturing)——以更少的资源做更多的
模组循环过程中导致的单个电池的体积变化,会不可避免的影响临近电池的受力状态,即单个电池在模组中所受到的约束是一个不可忽略的因素。本文研究了锂离子电池在约束外压力条件下充放电过程中的受力情况及影响因素。本文采用了外压力传感器和充放电测试柜测试电池循环过程中的外压力变化。结果显示,锂离子电池充放电过程中实际受力与电压变化趋势一致,这是由于充电过程电池体积膨胀,放电过程电池体积回复所导致的。此外电池充放电过程中的实际压力会偏离设定值,变化范围与初始约束时的荷电状态(State of Charge,SOC)有关。
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