On the analysis of the high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and coal accumulating law of jurassic i

来源 :Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czd1986624
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The strata of Jurassic was divided into three tectonic sequences and eight se- quences of third rank,according to the developing feature of the tectonic inconformity and the transforming feature of the depositional system tracts.Also the identification and the division of the base-level cycle of different period were carried through.Therefore three cycles of super period,eight cycles of long period,twenty-four cycles of middle period and some cycles of short period were identified.From the overall character of the coal-accu- mulation in the Mesozoic,we can see that the Yan’an formation is of the best nature of coal bearing.When the coal bearing systems of Jurassic were depositing,the Ordos area is the coal accumulating basin of terrene of large scale and located in the same tectonic unit.But the local structure of different part and the paleolandform are different in the basin which resulted in the difference of the depositional environment.So the layer number and the distribution of the thickness of the coal beds are different in the different part of the ba- sin.The coal-accumulating action migrated regularly along with the development,evolve- ment and migration of the depositional systems.The layer numbers of the coal beds, which can be mined,are more in the north and west fringe of the basin,whose distributing area is extensive,and they are more steady in the landscape orientation,also the total thickness is great.Therefore the nature of coal bearing and the coal-accumulating action of different part changed obviously in the space in Ordos area. The strata of Jurassic was divided into three tectonic sequences and eight sequences of the third rank, according to the developing feature of the tectonic inconformity and the transforming feature of the depositional system tracts. Also the identification and the division of the base-level cycle of different period were carried through.Therefore three cycles of super period, eight cycles of long period, twenty-four cycles of middle period and some cycles of short period were identified. From the overall character of the coal-accu-mulation in the Mesozoic , we can see that the Yan’an formation is the best nature of coal bearing.When the coal bearing systems of Jurassic were depositing, the Ordos area is the coal accumulating basin of terrene of large scale and located in the same tectonic unit. But the local structure of different part and the paleolandform are different in the basin which resulted in the difference of the depositional environment. So the layer number and the distribution of t he thickness of the coal beds are different in the different part of the ba-sin. coal-accumulating action migrated regularly along with the development, evolve- ment and migration of the depositional systems. layer number of the coal beds, which can be mined, are more in the north and west fringe of the basin, whose distributing area is extensive, and they are more steady in the landscape orientation, also the total thickness is great. wherefore the nature of coal bearing and the coal-accumulating action of different part changed obviously in the space in Ordos area.
在一些物理问题中,一个过程的发展,一个状态的确定,往往是由多个因素决定的,在这些因素中,若某些因素所起的作用和物理学中另一个因素所起的作用相同,则这些因素与这一个因素是等效的,它们便可以互相代替,且对过程的发展或状态的确定,最后结果并不受影响,这种以等效为前提而使某些因素互相代替来研究问题的方法就是等效法.  等效思维的实质是在效果相同的情况下,将较为复杂的实际问题变换为简单的熟悉问题,以便突出主
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2008年5月12日14时28分,注定成为中国刻骨铭心的记忆。这一刻,四川汶川发生了新中国成立以来破坏性最大、波及范围最广的8级地震,地震影响到全国十多个省区市,造成数十万人伤亡。  四川汶川,北纬31度、东经103.4度,转瞬间成为举世瞩目的焦点。  就在这一刻,空间凝固了,时间停滞了。被残酷的大地震彻底摧毁了的汶川,那成片的楼房在刹那间,摇晃着,撕裂着,塌下了,倒下了;那秀丽的城镇在刹那间,冒