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  Bill and Gordon sat on a bench in the shade of the trees and listened to the magpies注1 whisper-carol[欢唱] to each other as they wove[交织] between the feet of afternoon
  shoppers in Bairnsdale注2. Nothing was spoken between the men; they simply sat and absorbed the magpie-
  atmosphere, each interpreting the song in his own way.
  The men had come into Bairnsdale in the hope of
  finding Gordon’s uncle who, they had been told, was helping his wife with the shopping. The men hadn’t seen him yet, but there was no rush. The magpie was singing, that’s all that mattered at this moment; that, and the tiny little girl with the red hair who was sitting with her dad, both enraptured[使陶醉] by the whisperings of the birds.
  “She’s a Koorie注3,” Gordon said to Bill.
  “How’d you know that?”
  “You can see it.” Gordon scratched[搔,抓] his ankle. “Anyway, that’s her father and you can tell he is.”
  “How you know he’s her father?” Bill asked as he
  adjusted his battered[打扁了的] old hat.
  “She just said ‘Daddy’.”
  “You got better ears than me.” Bill smiled, and continued: “She’s pretty.” Bill nodded acknowledgement[承认] to the father of the child. “Uncle,” he muttered[咕哝], respectfully[尊敬地].
  Gordon stood, hitched up[拉起] his trousers and retied the twine[细绳] that did for a belt—“Gotta get a belt today”—and then walked over to the window of the supermarket. When he returned he stood in front of Bill and spoke: “Don’t think he’s in there. Got a feeling his truck broke down coming in this morning.”
  Bill swung suddenly to his left side, then back, playing peek-a-boo[躲猫猫] with the little red haired girl. “What do you want to do?” he asked.
  “Do you mind giving it a bit longer?”
  “The magpies are singing sacred[神圣的] songs to this little girl—and she knows it,” Bill replied, scratching the stubble[胡子茬] on his cheek.
  Gordon sat beside Bill and listened to the magpies and watched the little girl.
  Neither man spoke for quite some time. The little girl had curled up[卷起] into her father’s side on the bench
  opposite the men; she looked tired, her eyes occasionally
  closing. Her father seemed asleep. Bill knew he’d seen him back in the old days of “land rights” politics注4 but couldn’t find the name. It didn’t really matter—the magpies were standing in front of the little girl and whispering to her between a scrap[小片] of dropped food from some passer-by or an inattentive[疏忽的] insect.
  “She’s beautiful, yay.” Bill’s statement needed no answer but was replied to with an
  emphatic[肯定的] nod. “Red hair and a face like that mob[一群人] over in the desert.”
  “Pitjantjatjara注5. Western mob.” (PRON:
  “Yeh, that mob. But this one’s got a white mum, I’ll bet. One with red hair.” Bill smiled and swung to look at Gordon. “Pretty, yay.”
  “Yep!” Gordon seemed to have drifted into a different space.
  The men remained silent, Bill entranced[使着迷]
  by the little girl, Gordon throwing the occasional
  unconcerned glance either way along the
  footpath. The magpies had finished their lullaby to the now sleeping little girl and had moved away to a dropped half-croissant[新月形面包] in front of the hot bread shop. And somewhere in the dream of autumn sun and reverie[幻想], the little girl’s mother had gathered up her husband and child to the side of her laden[装满的] shopping trolley[手推车] and
  disappeared in the maze[迷宫] of cars in the car-park.
  The mother, Bill vaguely[含糊地] remembered, shone like the sun at sunset, a lithe[自然优雅的] and
  beautiful woman with skin like milk. The little girl had her mother’s colouring and her father’s
  “What you fellas doing down here?” The voice was like gravel[砂砾] and sand. Bill looked up into dappled[斑点的] and sparkling sun to seen Gordon hurriedly standing and shaking his uncle’s hand.
  “Uncle!” Gordon beamed[微笑示意]. “Watching a little girl, listening to the magpies and waiting for you.”
  “She was a Koorie with the most beautiful red hair. Some fella gunna be a lucky man in eighteen years.” Bill smiled. “Till then, we’re the lucky fellas, yay.”
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