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王政柱(1915-)湖北省麻城县人,1930年加入中国共产党。土地革命战争时期,任红四方面军第四军第十师二十八团政治处宣传员、师部书记、军部书记,红四方面军总指挥部参谋,红军总司令部参谋,一局作战科副科长、科长。参加了长征。抗日战争时期,任八路军总指挥部参谋、作战科科长,军委一局二科科长、一处处长。解放战争时期,任军委一局副局长,西北野战军副参谋长,第一野战军副参谋长。中华人民共和国成立后,任西北军区副参谋长,中国人民志愿军副参谋长兼西海岸指挥部参谋长,海军青岛基地副司令员、司令员,海军副参谋长,南海舰队第一副司令员,中国人民解放军海军后勤部部长,中国人民解放军总后勤部副部长、顾问。1955年被授予少将军衔。是中国共产党第七次全国代表大会代表。 Wang Zhengzhu (1915-) Macheng County in Hubei Province, joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1930. During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, he was the propagandist of the Political Department of the Tenth Division of the Fourth Corps of the Fourth Army, the secretary of the division division, the secretary of the military division, the general staff officer of the Red Fourth Army, the staff officer of the Red Army General Command, Deputy Chief, Chief. Participated in the Long March. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, he served as chief of staff of the Eighth Route Army Headquarters, Chief of Operations Section, chief of the first division of the Central Military Commission, and director of one department. During the War of Liberation, he served as deputy director of the First Military Commission, deputy chief of staff of the Northwest Field Army, and deputy chief of staff of the First Field Army. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he served as deputy chief of staff of the Northwest Military Region, deputy chief of staff of the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army and chief of staff of the West Coast Command, deputy commander and commander of the Navy’s Qingdao base, deputy chief of staff of the Navy, first deputy commander of the South China Sea Fleet, People’s Liberation Army Navy Logistics Department, PLA General Logistics Department Deputy Minister, consultant. In 1955 was awarded the rank of major general. It is the representative of the Seventh National People’s Congress of the Chinese Communist Party.
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