
来源 :文学少年(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thirdeyes
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  Many years ago, a green bird accidentally dropped two seeds on a meadow. With the warm sunlight and fertile soil, moistened by rain and dew, the seeds started to grow. They immediately beheld each other when they could just be seen above the ground. Vast was the meadow and lonely. They grew up and took each other as companion. But, what a pity - they could not speak to each other.
  A magpie flew over one day. She had flown a long way and wanted to rest. She saw the two Ginkgo trees and landed on the taller tree. This tree was a boy, and he thought this was his best chance to talk to the other tree, who was a girl. So he asked the magpie to bring his greetings to the other ginkgo tree nearby.
  The magpie had a good rest and away she flew, so the short ginkgo tree did not receive greetings from the tall tree. In the days that followed, the tall ginkgo and the short ginkgo looked at each other, and mutual care entered their hearts. The tall ginkgo, who gazed at the girl for every second and almost never took his eyes away from her, had a warm and fuzzy feeling he'd never felt before.
  He wanted to tell the girl how he felt. But he had to wait for another chance. Maybe, it would be a bird. Maybe it would be someone else.
  Many days and nights passed until his new chance appeared. A gust of wind came from the Northeast. The tall ginkgo shook his body in haste and let go a leaf, which he had hoped to be carried by the wind to the short tree. The wind had not done her work well. She blew by so fast that the leaf, swirled in her arms, was carried away. The short ginkgo did not receive the message.
  Standing fast on the meadow, the taller tree still gazed at the short tree with affection. How bleak and lonely the meadow sometimes seemed to be!   At last, another bird came. It was a sparrow. But before the tall tree could utter a word, the impatient sparrow flew away with a twig in her mouth. The twig would be used in her nest.
  The tall tree stood still, but with sadness.
  In the following days, he spared some of his water and food for the girl. The short tree received the gift from underground, but did not know how it had come. An earthworm crawled up to her and said, “Enjoy! I took them from the tall ginkgo tree. He is so tall and ought to give you some.”
  The tall ginkgo did not know the earthworm’s lie. He kept giving his water and food to the girl. He heartily wished the girl could grow stronger and be healthier. As the days went by, the tall tree started to grow slowly and was not as strong. But he hung in there.
  The short ginkgo noticed. She wanted to ask what was happening to her companion, but again, she could not speak. Indeed, she knew nothing of the whole deal, not a bit.
  And the tall tree noted that the smaller tree was growing up! Taller and stronger. He was very relieved. Why would it matter if she never knows anything then, he said to himself.
  Early one morning, the clouds were coming from all directions and building up slowly. Nobody noticed what was going on. The tall ginkgo, short ginkgo and the vast meadow were all in their deep sleep. Lightning danced across the sky and the sharp light blinded everything with eyes -and awakened the short ginkgo. Alas! It was piercing toward HER! Stunned and unable to move, the short ginkgo watched the lightning strike closer and closer. What a miracle! The fire ball suddenly changed its route and went another way...
  “Thunk!” was what she heard. The short tree was not hurt but she didn't know what happened either. She herself was not hurt, so much to her knowledge.
  Dawn approached and the sky grew brighter. Now she could see clearly. Blue smoke was still rising out of a wound in the tall ginkgo tree. When the lightning struck, half his body had been burned. He had saved the girl by flinging his arms-his branches and twigs-toward the horrible thing to lure it away from his friend.   I should be hurt, not him, the short ginkgo said to herself, bewildered.
  And the tall tree moaned, but with secret pleasure in his heart.
  The big news soon spread over the meadow. The selfish sparrow came, and the earthworm came who always talked nonsense. Together, feeling ashamed, they told the short ginkgo the whole story, from the leaf, to the water and food from the tall tree.
  The short tree nodded her head in enlightenment. She now knew it all. Trying to touch the bleeding wound and caress him, she made every effort to be closer, with all her might. But how long the work would take! One year had passed when she found there was still a great distance between them.
  Lower and lower was the voice of the tall ginkgo. The fall then came. The wind easily took the leaves off the tall ginkgo tree's branches, which were very weak now. His leaves fell down slowly, one by one.
  The shorter tree kept on getting closer to him. The magpie was moved, so were the sparrows, and the ants. Together they removed the leaves of the shorter trees and buried them at the root of the tall tree. The rotting leaves became his food.
  Spring came the next year with warm winds and soft rains. New leaves sprung up from the short ginkgo's branches. But no sign of awakening could be seen in the tall tree, whose body was still bare and bleak. Now the short tree could almost touch him. She stretched her tender twig and touched him. Now she caressed him, and she caressed the scar made by the lightning.
  Now late spring was here.
  A couple, who were on a spring outing, saw the two trees on the meadow, whose arms now entwined as lovers do. They looked at the two for a long time and were reluctant to leave.
  “The taller tree is dead. He was struck by lightning and was set afire.” the boy said.
  The girl approached the tree, not willing to believe what the boy said, and cried out ,“ No! He is not dead. There is a small leaf, a new one!”
  The boy walked closer disbelievingly.“This is impossible. You can see how badly he was hurt!” said he.
  “It is the love of the other tree. She saved him!”the girl said decisively.
  Now the tall ginkgo did wake up. He could feel the sap flowing again in his body. He opened his eyes and saw the smaller tree’s branches entwined with his. “ I love you!”said he softly.
乔万尼·梅诺迪这只瘦骨嶙峋的小公鸡售不出去。  “啊!太太,您走遍整个特雷维约,也找不到这么嫩的鸡。您看这鸡肉,真是又脆又细,一吃到嘴里,就像糖那样化掉!”  太太把鸡提了起来,掂了掂分量,仔细地看了看,便把它放回乔万尼·梅诺迪店铺的柜台上。乔万尼·梅诺迪的瘦鸡卖不出去。  乔万尼·梅诺迪这只骨瘦如柴的公鸡,生前长得就没模样,一身花斑毛,鸣不成调,行无行姿,却自负好斗。要是从墙头展翅欲飞,总是落到
哦,我的宝贝儿,从前海里有一条鲸,他吃各种各样的鱼。他吃海星、颌针鱼、螃蟹、比目鱼、鲽鱼、鲦鱼、鳐鱼和他的配偶,还吃鲭鱼、小狗鱼和真正滴溜儿转的鳝鱼。因此,凡是他在所有的海里能找到的鱼,他全用嘴吃了!直到最后所有的海里只剩下一条小鱼,他是一条机灵的小鱼,为了使鲸伤不着他,他在鲸的右耳稍后一点儿游动。于是鲸踮着尾巴向上升起,说:“我饿了。”机灵的小鱼狡黠地小声说:  “高贵宽宏的鲸,你品尝过人吗?”
比起林场和园艺场,更不要说旁边的“五七干校”了,论好玩和有趣都比村子里差不多。比如经常在村里窜的焊洋铁壶的、修钟表的、磨剪子抢菜刀的、打铁的……这些人从不到别的地方去。  他们是干什么营生的,一进村子都知道了:如果一阵嘶哑低沉的号角响起,那就是焊洋铁壶的来了;修钟表的人敲铜板,叮叮当当;磨刀剪的一进村就扯开嗓子大喊;只有打铁的没声没响住下,忙着垒灶生火。他们一来就不是一两天的事,所以也就不急着宣布
从来到稻田的第一天开始,稻草人就一动不动站在稻田里。鸟雀们目瞪口呆:这个家伙来历不明,看上去像一捆稻草。  稻草人自言自语:“稻田很美,真的很美。”  稻草人希望鸟雀们能听见这句话,然后检点自己的行为,可是鸟雀听不见。秋风漫过稻田,稻草人顺势挥手,赶走了啄食稻穗的鸟群。  稻草人说:“鸟群在天上的时候,天空美了鸟也美了。鸟群在稻田里啄稻穗的时候不美。”  有一天,稻草人深情地望着主人在稻田里劳作。
巴黎街道的一角,小巷里的小窗。  窗子里,有位忙着做手艺活儿的老人。  小小的灯下,白发匀整地摇动,  手里拿着针和线,  把泛黄的书本,一针一针地缝好。  背靠着窗子,排列着颜色尺寸各异的书本。  深红、绿、藏青、黑、茶色的皮革封面上,  是金箔文字和阿拉伯风格的装饰。  时间的流淌凝缩成色彩和光,  那里奏响的是沉默与记忆的音乐。  窗玻璃上有小小的纸片,写着:  “RELIEUR-DOREU
哎呀,我的图鉴……  坏掉了的书,该送到哪里呢?  卢利尤?是书的医生吗?  都把书读成这个样子,很用功嘛。  好,我想法子帮你修好。  看,先把书拆散,才能再把它订起来。  “卢利尤”,也有“再一次连到一起”的意思。  把边儿稍微切去一点。用这个机器来调整尺寸。  把散开了的书,用线细细密密地缝好。  像这样,用糨糊把书固定住。  用锤子拍打书脊,让它出现圆弧。这样翻起书页来就顺手了。  放上一
追着天鹅疯跑的小男孩布莱登终于捉住了大白天鹅的翅膀,他要的,只是羽毛,可以用来写字。  12岁的布莱登已经是修道院里的一位实习画师了,他的叔叔艾伯特塞拉奇是这座修道院的院长,叔叔说:“总有一天你会管理这个修道院,不要让我失望。”  叔叔最热衷的是每天带领布莱登和其他的修道院士筑墙,在修道院外建起高高的围墙,以抵抗北欧海盗的袭击。  如果没有书,所有的知识都会流逝,永远流逝。  曾经写过唉奥娜之书的