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《特种油气藏》是由中国石油天然气集团公司主管,辽河油田公司主办的全国惟一一份专门报道“特种油气藏”勘探开发新技术、新理论、新方法、新进展的国家级石油技术理论期刊。创刊十多年来,在中国石油天然气集团公司,辽宁省和盘锦市新闻出版局的正确领导和关怀下,在辽河油田公司的大力支持下,《特种油气藏》的影响力逐步提升,已成为石油科技工作者的良师益友,在“特种油气藏”勘探开发方面发挥了重要作用。在辽河油田公司的大力支持下,《特种油气藏》第五届编委会于2005年11月15日在四川省成都市胜利召开。辽宁省新闻出版局,《石油地球物理勘探》杂志社、《石油勘探与开发》杂志社、《新疆石油地质》杂志社等纷纷来电来信以示祝贺。共有30余位编委出席了会议,其中包括中国科学院院士刘宝珺、中国工程院院士王德民、中国工程院院士罗平亚、辽河油田公司副总经理任芳祥、西南石油学院教授劓蜀知、中国海洋大学教授张金亮、成都理工大学教授李录明、中国石油大学教授楚泽涵、中国石油学会石油地质专业委员会秘书长王霞、辽河油田公司勘探开发研究院院长张方礼、辽河油田公司钻采工艺研究院院长赵政超、以及来自大港、新疆、吉林、江汉、胜利、辽河等油田的编委。《石油地球物理勘探》主编任敦占、《天然气工业》主编吴大奎、盘锦市文化局新闻出版科科长唐秉权等也应邀出席了会议。另外还有20余名来自石油及相关行业的科研人员也参加了此次会议。 The “Special Oil and Gas Reserves” is the only state-level petroleum technology theory hosted by China National Petroleum Corporation and hosted by Liaohe Oilfield Company in China, which is devoted to the exploration of new technologies, new theories, new methods and new progress in the exploration and development of “special oil and gas reservoirs.” Periodicals. For more than a decade, under the correct leadership and care of China National Petroleum Corporation, Liaoning Province and Panjin Press and Publication Bureau, the influence of “special oil and gas reservoirs” has gradually increased with the strong support from Liaohe Oilfield Company, and has become The mentors and teachers of oil science and technology workers play an important role in the exploration and development of “special oil and gas reservoirs.” With the strong support of Liaohe Oilfield Company, the 5th Editorial Board of Special Oil and Gas Reservoir was successfully held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province on November 15, 2005. Liaoning Province Press and Publication Bureau, “Geophysical Prospecting” magazine, “Petroleum Exploration and Development” magazine, “Xinjiang Petroleum Geology” magazine and so on have sent a letter from the letter to show his congratulation. More than 30 editorial board members attended the conference, including Liu Baojun, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, academician Wang Demin, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Luo Pingya, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Ren Fangxiang, deputy general manager of Liaohe Oilfield Company, Professor Shu Shuzhi from Southwest Petroleum Institute, Li Luming, professor of Chengdu University of Technology, Professor Chu Zehan, professor of China University of Petroleum, Wang Xia, secretary-general of the Petroleum Geology Professional Committee of the Chinese Petroleum Institute, Zhang Fangli, dean of the Exploration and Development Research Institute of Liaohe Oilfield Company, Zhao Zhengchao, dean of the Drilling and Production Technology Research Institute of Liaohe Oilfield Company, From Dagang, Xinjiang, Jilin, Jianghan, victory, Liaohe Oilfield Editorial Board. Ren Zhanzhan, editor-in-chief of “Petroleum Geophysical Exploration”, Wu Dakui, chief editor of “Natural Gas Industry” and Tang Bingquan, chief of press and publication section of Cultural Bureau of Panjin City, were also invited to attend the conference. In addition, more than 20 researchers from petroleum and related industries also attended the meeting.
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