体验荷“生” 观之以心 黄成江“荷”系列创作座谈会(摘编)

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黄成江是位善于思考、功底厚实的摄影家。他早期摄影作品《千里雪原人行早》《破雪垦荒》《雪花飘飘》《汗与水》《春雨》《家乡的小路》《牧雪图》《大地之恋》,以及《北大荒知青》《土地》《母亲》《树》等系列作品,在国内外产生广泛影响。自2012年8月,黄成江奔波于不同地域、不同季节的荷池野塘,拍摄风雨酷暑、霜雪严寒之中的各类荷花,体悟荷的生命哲理。“荷”系列摄影作品,是他多年来人生感悟和摄影艺术沉淀的结晶。2016年6月,他出版了画册《归于简单:黄成江荷系列摄影作品》(中国文联出版社),10月10日,中国艺术研究院《中国摄影家》杂志在北京主办了“黄成江‘荷’系列摄影作品创作座谈会”。受邀嘉宾中国艺术研究院党委副书记、中国摄影家协会副主席李树峰,中国艺术摄影学会副主席陈长芬,中国军事文化研究会摄影艺术研究中心主任江志顺,清华大学美术学院教授胥建国,中国摄影家协会理论部副主任许华飞,《中国摄影》杂志新媒体部主任马勇,《中国摄影家》杂志副主编李德林、编辑部主任阳丽君及多家媒体记者、评论员参加了座谈会。座谈会由李树峰主持,话题围绕黄成江近乎三年创作的“荷”系列摄影作品展开。 Huang Chengjiang is a good thinking, solid foundation photographer. His early works, “Thousands of miles of snow-capped mountains and walks of life”, “snow reclamation shortage”, “Snow fluttering”, “Khan and water”, “Spring rain”, “Hometown trail”, “Sheepu map”, “Love of the earth” A series of works such as “Land”, “Mother” and “Tree” have a wide range of influences both at home and abroad. Since August 2012, Huang Chengjiang has been traveling around the ponds and ponds in different regions and seasons. He has taken pictures of the various types of lotuses in the cold and frosty days and has realized the philosophy of life. “Dutch ” series of photographic works, is his crystallization of life sentiment and photography art over the years. In June 2016, he published an album titled “Simple: Photograph by Huang Chengjiang” (China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Press). On October 10, the “China Photographers” magazine of the China Academy of Art hosted “Huang Chengjiang” ’Series of photography creation forum’. Invited Guests Li Shufeng, Deputy Party Secretary of China Academy of Art, Vice Chairman of China Photographers Association, Chen Changfen, Vice Chairman of China Academy of Art Photography, Jiang Zhishun, Director of Photography Art Research Center of China Military Culture Research Institute, Xu Jianguo, Professor of Fine Arts Academy of Tsinghua University, Xu Huafei, vice director of the theory department of the association; Ma Yong, director of the New Media Department of China Photography magazine; Li Delin, deputy editor of the magazine “China Photography”; Yang Lijun, director of the editorial department; and a number of media reporters and commentators attended the symposium. The symposium was chaired by Li Shuping and his series of photographic works on the “Dutch” series, which had been written by Huang Chengjiang for nearly three years.
目的探讨输尿管结石导致肾包膜下积液的超声表现并分析。方法对输尿管结石中并发肾包膜下积液患者的声像图特征同时结合原因进行分析。结果 39例输尿管结石致肾包膜下积液,超