Preparation of imprinted monolithic column under molecular crowding conditions

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong554
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Molecular crowding is a new concept to obtain molecularly imprinted polymers(MIPs) with greater capacity and selectivity.In this work,molecular crowding agent was firstly applied to the preparation of MIPs monolithic column.A new polymerization system based on molecular crowding surrounding was developed to prepare enrofloxacin-imprinted monolith,which was composed of polystyrene and tetrahydrofuran.The result showed that the monolithic MIPs under molecular crowding conditions presented good molecular recognition for enrofloxacin with an imprinting factor of 3.03. Molecular crowding is a new concept to obtain molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) with greater capacity and selectivity. In this work, molecular crowding agent was initially applied to the preparation of MIPs monolithic column. A new polymerization system based on molecular crowding surrounding was developed to prepare enrofloxacin-imprinted monolith, which was composed of polystyrene and tetrahydrofuran. The result showed that the monolithic MIPs under molecular crowding conditions gave good molecular recognition for enrofloxacin with an imprinting factor of 3.03.
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