面向21世纪 构建唐山“大交通”

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改革开放以来,唐山的交通运输取得了较快的发展,已经建立起对外连接京、津辐射三北腹地,对内以市区为中心、港口为龙头、铁路为骨架、公路为脉胳的交通运输体系,确保了人流、物流的快速、高效运输。——公路基础设施得到显著改善。本着“统筹规划,合理布局”的原则,市、县两级重点建设了集疏港口的平清大公路、沿海公路和唐乐公路;先后改造了3条国道、9条省道,把唐山市与京津及东北、华北等地的大中城市联结起来;同时开发建设的33条县道和上百条乡村公路密布全市城乡;全市公路总里程已达5140公里,公路密度达到每百平方公里38公里。高等级公路从无到有,一、二级汽车专用公路已达到130多公里。——水路运输初具规模。随着京唐港的建设运营,唐山一 Since the reform and opening up, Tangshan's transportation has achieved rapid development. Beijing and Tianjin have been established to radiate the northern hinterland of Beijing and Tianjin, and the interior is the center of the city. The port is the leader, the railway is the skeleton, the road is the artery of the artery Transport system to ensure the flow of people, logistics, fast and efficient transport. - Highway infrastructure has been significantly improved. In line with the principle of “overall planning and rational distribution”, the Pingtung Highway, the Coastal Highway and the Tangle Highway, which are the major ports of the city and prefecture, have been built at the municipal and county levels. Three national highways and 9 provincial highways have been rebuilt and Tangshan The city and Beijing and Tianjin and northeast, North China and other places of large and medium-sized cities linked together; at the same time the development and construction of 33 counties and hundreds of rural roads densely covered city and town; the city's total highway mileage has reached 5140 km, the highway density of 100 square Km 38 km. High-grade highways from scratch, one or two car highway has reached more than 130 kilometers. - Water transport has begun to take shape. With the construction and operation of Jingtang Port, Tangshan one
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随着宏观经济平稳发展,交通运输紧张状况有了相当程度的缓解,尤其是铁路和民航,由于客货运 With the steady development of the macroeconomy, there has been a considerable
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