
来源 :中药材科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:warinkeng
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本文介绍了中药材在密封环境中,因药材的呼吸氧化作用和附在药材上的微生物的呼吸作用而不断消耗氧气,使氧量下降致抑制霉菌使害虫窒息致死,从而达到贮藏的目的。这方法具有简便易行、耗费少的优点。 This article describes the traditional Chinese medicine in the sealed environment, due to the respiratory oxidation of medicinal herbs and microorganisms attached to the medicinal herbs on the respiration and the continuous consumption of oxygen, so that decreased oxygen levels caused by mold inhibition of the suffocation of insects, so as to achieve the purpose of storage. This method has the advantages of being simple, easy, and inexpensive.
我院自一九七七年开始制备中药消化合剂,方剂主要由谷芽、麦芽、茯苓、橙皮、砂糖等组成,经数年广泛的临床应用,颇受广大患者的信誉,现介绍如下: 一、消化合剂的制备: 1.处
INTRODUCTIONWestudiedtherecipientandgraftpathophysiologicchangesaftertransplantation,theinducementofimmunotolerance,theregula... INTRODUCTIONWestudiedtherecipientandgraftpathophysiologicchangesaftertransplantation, theinducementofimmunotolerance, theregu
应用胰岛素来治疗精神病是1928年 Steck 氏首先采用,当时用的剂量较少,功用仅限于饮食的增加及镇静作用,嗣后又应用在戒药瘾上。1933年 Sakel 氏发表用大量胰岛素引起低血糖
In order to develop a new diagnostic method for partial epilepsy using fractaldimension measurement of theory of nonlinear dynamics, two kinds of EEG fractaldim
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麝香系鹿科动物林麝Moschus berezovskiiFeror,马麝Moschus sifanicus Przewalski或原麝Mosohus moschiferus L.成熟雄体香囊中的干燥分泌物。《神农本草经》列为上品。其后
近来笔者发现,有个别医药公司用胆矾(即硫酸铜)代明矾加工法半夏。笔者认为这样处理,不但起不到应有的医疗作用,反而会造成不应有的医疗事 Recently, the author discovere