The application of the instantaneous states reduction to the orbital monitoring of pivotal arcs of t

来源 :Science in China(Series G:Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shining321
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In the Chinese lunar exploration project,the Chang'E-1 (CE-1) satellite was jointly monitored by the United S-band range and Doppler and the VLBI technique. A real-time reduction of the tracking data is realized to deduce the time series of the instantaneous state vectors (ISV) (position and velocity vec-tors) of the CE-1 satellite,and is applied to the orbital monitoring of pivotal arcs. This paper introduces this real-time data reduction method and its application to the orbital monitoring of pivotal arcs of the CE-1 satellite in order to serve as a source of criticism and reference. In the Chinese lunar exploration project, the Chang'E-1 (CE-1) satellite was jointly monitored by the United S-band range and Doppler and the VLBI technique. A real-time reduction of the tracking data is realized to deduce the time series of the instantaneous state vectors (ISV) (position and velocity vec-tors) of the CE-1 satellite, and is applied to the orbital monitoring of pivotal arcs. This paper introduces this real-time data reduction method and its application to the orbital monitoring of pivotal arcs of the CE-1 satellite in order to serve as a source of criticism and reference.
相关数据表明,因环境问题引发的群体性事件以年均29%的速度递增,2005年因环境污染上访的案件约68.972万起,是1995年的11倍,而2006年和2007年大约也是70万件左右。  新年伊始,环保风暴又刮起来。不过,“2008号”风暴横扫的是130家跨国企业。不管被盯上的是国内企业还是国外企业,环保依旧处于风口浪尖却是个事实。随着环境危机日渐暴露,相关的群体性事件必然呈爆发性增长——相关数据表
Chinese Area Positioning System (CAPS) is a transmitted satellite navigation system moved by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Three basic modes of navigation an
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