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1.多方积极投资,改善服务条件 几年来,乡村各级领导干部认识到村卫生室在农村所起的重要性,乡村保健人员所能发挥的作用,明确了农村卫生工作与经济建设的双向促进关系,引起了各级党政部门对村卫生室的重视,在整顿建设村卫生室机构的同时,落实卫生室房屋、办公用品、常用医疗器械、药品周转资金等,自觉地增加了对卫生事业的投入。 2.加强人才业务培调,稳定乡村保健队伍 上岗前,必须经过村委会研究,推荐有知识、有事业心、热心于农村卫生事业的人,经过考试参加县卫生培训,试用半年后,颁发乡村医生证书后才能上岗。从1989年到现在,我乡参加县举办乡村医生培训班9期,培训人员达100%。乡卫协会规定每月的2日、12日、22日开例会,每次都进行业务学习,今年上半年全省乡村医生职称晋升考试结果,我乡成绩居各乡之首。 1. Actively investing and improving service conditions for many parties In the past few years, leading cadres at all levels in rural areas have recognized the importance of village clinics in rural areas and the role that rural health workers can play in clarifying the two-way promotion of rural health work and economic construction. The relationship has aroused the attention of party and government departments at all levels to the village clinics. While rectifying the construction of the village clinics, it has also implemented health room housing, office supplies, commonly used medical devices, and medicine turnover funds, and has consciously increased the number of health services. Input. 2. Strengthen the training of talents and stabilize the rural health care team. Before going on the job, it must be studied by the village committee. Those who are knowledgeable, professional, and enthusiastic about rural health are recommended to participate in the county health training after the exam. Only after the certificate of the rural doctor can you take up the job. From 1989 to the present, my country participated in 9 training courses for rural doctors organized by the county, and the number of training personnel reached 100%. The County Health Association stipulates that on each of the 2nd, 12th, and 22nd day of the month, regular business meetings will be held. In the first half of this year, the province’s rural doctors will be promoted to the examination results, and the score in the township will be the highest among the townships.
蕲蛇为蝰科动物五步蛇 Agkistrodon acutus( Guenther)的干燥体。多于夏、秋二季捕捉 ,剖开蛇腹 ,除去内脏 ,洗净 ,用竹片撑开腹部 ,盘成圆盘状 ,干燥后拆除竹片。具有祛风 ,
1材料与方法1.1中药煎出液制务 黄芪、丹参饮片购自中医学院药库.通过生药鉴定。购入后置容器中按文献方法煎2次,所得滤液于80°恒温水浴箱上浓缩成含生药含量为0.79g/ml浓度的药液,置4℃冰箱中
为探讨呼吸道病毒感染与气道炎症的关系及喘康平合剂对它的影响 ,将卵蛋白致敏后的豚鼠随机分为模型组、对照组、喘康平组、强的松组和麻杏组。除对照组外各组根据实验需要经
隔山隔水隔不断一世情缘 ,时变事变变不了缘来一生。党和政府政策的执行 ,国家副主席的关怀 ,这或许就是命中注定的姻缘。一位普通的农家妇女 ,在经历了两个不同的社会制度和
飞翔 (男,北京大学):毕业的时候,我很想去外企。因为学的是计算机,所以对朗讯、IBM和玉碧都很感兴趣。在朗讯头天交了简历,当晚他们就打电话来通知我第二天去汉威大厦面试。
人类已步入21世纪,知识经济以 崭新的经济形态引发全球经济由工业经济时代向知识经济时代深刻变革。信息技术迅猛发展,社会网络化程度显著提高,使全球经济日益向国际化、一体化方
测定实验性阴虚证及通脉降脂灵预防治疗小鼠脾脏微量元素锌、铜含量 ,探讨通脉降脂灵对阴虚证所致小鼠免疫功能下降的预防变化作用。方法 实验用二级昆明系小鼠 ,随机分为正