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据有关媒体报道,青岛市近日决定废除机关里写了几十年的年终总结,将对全年工作的考核评价改为平时实地考察、抽查暗访,督查部门根据工作目标进度定期督查,年底按照年初确定的目标进行综合考核,通过一系列实打实的考评手段来评价基层单位的工作实绩。笔者为这种求真务实、废旧革新、勇于改革、不看文章看效果的做法叫好。 According to relevant media reports, Qingdao City recently decided to abolish the authorities to write decades of year-end summary, will be the year-round assessment of the job evaluation to peacetime field visits, spot checks, the inspection department under the progress of the work schedule regular inspections, end of the year In accordance with the goals set at the beginning of a comprehensive assessment, through a series of practical assessment methods to evaluate the performance of grassroots units. I for such a pragmatic, waste innovation, the courage to reform, do not look at the article to see the effect of applause.
Skull base chondrosarcomas are rare tumors and individual experience with their management is limited. We present aseries of such tumors treated at our institut
This paper compares the manner in which C.S.Peirce’s late semiotic theory deals with the problems posed by the dynamic object and the interpretation of signs w
班级是构成学校的细胞和载体,班主任工作是学校工作的重头戏。我们知道:有什么样的校长,就有什么样的学校;同样有什么样的班主任,就有什么样的班级和学生。笔者从事班主任工作10余年,在这里想与同行们共同探讨。  一、班主任要有一片爱心  倾注爱心才能有效地感化学生。班级里尤其是思想和学习后进的学生,迫切需要我们用爱心去呵护,由于种种原因,长期失去家庭的关爱,在他们的身上倾注爱心,是十分有效的。在给学生思
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