Evaluation of an erosion-sediment transport model for a hillslope using laboratory flume data

来源 :Journal of Arid Land | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rdview
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Climate change can escalate rainfall intensity and cause further increase in sediment transport in arid lands which in turn can adversely affect water quality. Hence, there is a strong need to predict the fate of sediments in order to provide measures for sound erosion control and water quality management. The presence of microtopography on hillslopes influences processes of runoff generation and erosion, which should be taken into account to achieve more accurate modelling results. This study presents a physically based mathematical model for erosion and sediment transport coupled to one-dimensional overland flow equations that simulate rainfall-runoff generation on the rill and interrill areas of a bare hillslope. Modelling effort at such a fine resolution considering the flow connection between interrill areas and rills is rarely verified. The developed model was applied on a set of data gathered from an experimental setup where a 650 cm×136 cm erosion flume was pre-formed with a longitudinal rill and interrill having a plane geometry and was equipped with a rainfall simulator that reproduces natural rainfall characteristics. The flume can be given both longitudinal and lateral slope directions. For calibration and validation, the model was applied on the experimental results obtained from the setup of the flume having 5% lateral and 10% longitudinal slope directions under rainfall intensities of 105 and 45 mm/h, respectively. Calibration showed that the model was able to produce good results based on the R2(0.84) and NSE(0.80) values. The model performance was further tested through validation which also produced good statistics(R2=0.83, NSE=0.72). Results in terms of the sedigraphs, cumulative mass curves and performance statistics suggest that the model can be a useful and an important step towards verifying and improving mathematical models of erosion and sediment transport. Climate change can escalate rainfall intensity and cause further increase in sediment transport in arid lands which in turn can adversely affect affect water quality. Therefore, there is a strong need to predict the fate of sediments in order to provide measures for sound erosion control and water quality. The presence of microtopography on hillslopes influences processes of runoff generation and erosion, which should be taken into account to achieve more accurate modeling results. This study presents a physically based mathematical model for erosion and sediment transport coupled to one-dimensional overland flow equations that simulate rainfall-runoff generation on the rill and interrill areas of a bare hillslope. Modeling effort at such a fine resolution considering the flow connection between interrill areas and rills is rarely verified. The developed model was applied on a set of data gathered from an experimental setup where a 650 cm × 136 cm erosion flume was pre-formed with al ongitudinal rill and interrill having a plane geometry and was equipped with a rainfall simulator that reproduces natural rainfall characteristics. The flume can be given both longitudinal and lateral slope directions. For calibration and validation, the model was applied on the experimental results obtained from the setup of the flume with 5% lateral and 10% longitudinal slope directions under rainfall intensities of 105 and 45 mm / h, respectively. Calibration showed that the model was able to produce good results based on the R2 (0.84) and NSE (0.80) values The model performance was further tested through validation which also produced good statistics (R2 = 0.83, NSE = 0.72). Results in terms of the sedigraphs, cumulative mass curves and performance statistics suggest that the model can be a useful and an important step towards verifying and improving mathematical models of erosion and sediment transport.
企业重组:’96经济新热点周力军根据有关部门的统计,1990年至1994年国有企业历年的亏损面分别为27.6%、25.8%、23%、30.3%和33%,亏损额分别为180亿元、367亿、349亿元、370亿元、486亿元和648亿元。1995年亏损面... Corporate restruc
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顾城(1956-1993)北京人。12岁辍学,70年代开始写诗。1987年出国。后隐居新西兰激流岛,1993年自杀。著有诗集《无名小花》《舒婷、顾城抒情诗选》《北岛、顾城诗选》《黑眼睛》《顾城的诗》《顾城诗全编》,长篇小说《英儿》等。这里选择《生日》和《白夜》进行赏读。    1.生 日    因为生日  我得到了一个彩色的钱夹  我没有钱  也不喜欢那些乏味的分币    我跑到那个古怪的大土堆后