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近日,由国际电工委员会(IEC)旗下TC79技术委员会主办的报警与电子安防国际会议在俄罗斯DUBNA举行,各国安防专家针对TC79的工作计划和方向策略进行了讨论。作为中国楼寓对讲行业的龙头企业,立林公司当选为《楼寓对讲系统通用技术要求》国际标准起草组组长单位。众所周知,标准关系着整个行业乃至国家技术创新竞争力。国内至今还没有形成以企业为主体、实质性参与国际标准制定的机制,而国际话语权的丧失也一定程度上意味着市场上的被动。而鉴于IEC楼寓对讲系统国际标准是全球市场准入的参照标准,且IEC标准已经成为全球楼寓对讲企业进入国际市场的争夺焦点,因此,直接参与国际标准的制修订无疑对中国楼寓对讲行业提高在国际上的地位至关重要。此次厦门立林代表中国直接参与国际标准制定工作,不仅肯定了立林“代表国家竞争力、具备国际竞争力”的行业地位,更是提高了中国楼寓对讲行业在IEC标准制修订工作中的参与度和主动性。那么究竟目前国际标准进展情况如何?其又将对推动整个国内楼寓对讲行业发展发挥怎样的作用?带着这些问题,本刊记者采访到厦门立林科技有限公司总工程师汤光耀先生,请其为大家详细解读。 Recently, the International Conference on Alarms and Electronic Security, organized by the International Electrotechnical Commission (TCTC) TC79 Technical Committee, was held in DUBNA, Russia. National security experts discussed the work plan and direction strategy of TC79. As China’s leading intercom industry, Lilin Company was elected as the leader of the drafting team of “International Standard for General Requirements for Intercommunication System”. As we all know, the standard is related to the competitiveness of technological innovation in the whole industry and even the country. To date, there is still no mechanism in China that takes enterprises as the main body and substantively participates in the formulation of international standards. The loss of the right to speak of an international word, to a certain extent, also means that the market is passive. In view of IEC building intercom system international standard international market access is the reference standard, and the IEC standard has become the global apartment intercom to enter the international market, the focus of competition, therefore, directly involved in the revision of international standards will undoubtedly China Building Intercom industry to improve the position of the international community is essential. The Xiamen Lilin on behalf of China directly involved in international standard-setting work, not only affirmed the legislature Lin “on behalf of national competitiveness, with international competitiveness,” the status of the industry, but also improve China’s residential intercom industry in the IEC standard system Revise participation and initiative in the work. So what is the progress of the current international standards? It will in turn promote the development of the entire domestic apartment intercom industry play what role? With these issues, the reporter interviewed Xiamen Lilin Technology Co., Ltd. Chief Engineer Mr. Tang Guangyao please It is explained in detail for everyone.