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一年以来,涌现出许多访问Internet的新设备;创建、传送、浏览网上内容的新工具;以及越来越高的对基于Internet多媒体的要求。因此,对更高连接速度的需求便是显而易见的。在秋季的Comdex大展上,微软总裁Bill Gates和康柏总裁Eckhard Pfeiffer同时关注到最新出现的高速技术:数字用户线(DSL)。他们认为DSL技术将在今后的五至十年中腾飞。 若干种高速技术统称为xDSL,它可以实现超高速Internet连接,比56Kbps调制解调器速度快160倍,连接速度由所使用的DSL技术种类决定。由于DSL技术使用现有的铜电话线,所以它对电话公司线路网升级的要求比其他一些宽带解决方案少。这的确是一个好消息。Gates特别指出,不对称数字订户线(ADSL)是一种更为先进的技术,因为它不需要一个全新的体系结构。业界分析家们也同意 Over the past year, there have been many new devices for accessing the Internet; new tools for creating, delivering and browsing online content; and increasing demands for Internet-based multimedia. Therefore, the need for higher connection speed is obvious. At Comdex in the fall, Microsoft CEO Bill Gates and Compaq Presidency Eckhard Pfeiffer also focused on the latest high-speed technology: Digital Subscriber Line (DSL). They think DSL technology will take off in the next five to ten years. Several high-speed technologies, collectively known as xDSL, enable ultra-fast Internet connections, which are up to 160x faster than 56Kbps modems, depending on the type of DSL technology used. Because DSL technology uses existing copper telephone lines, it requires less telephone company line network upgrades than some other broadband solutions. This is indeed good news. In particular, Gates pointed out that Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a more advanced technology because it does not require a completely new architecture. Industry analysts agree
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在阅读《狼图腾》这本书之前,狼在我印象中一直是一个天地不容的角色。我们把心肠歹毒的人形容成“狼心狗肺”,把互相勾结干坏事比作“狼狈为奸”,把居心叵测看作“狼子野心”,把侵犯异性的人比作“色狼”,甚至生活中大人吓唬小孩,也会大喊一声“狼来了”,吓得小孩赶紧躲在大人身后,诸如此类的还有“披着羊皮的狼”、“东郭先生与狼”和“狼外婆”等等。然而,直到翻开《狼图腾》这本书,我才认识到不一样的狼。  《狼图腾