China No Longer Implements Export Commodities Inspection for Tire and Other Rubber Products

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To implement the relevant requirements of promoting export steady growth,adjusting the structure by the State Council,according to Law of the People’s Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection and relevant provisions of its implementing regulations,on Aug.1,the General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s republic of China,General Administration of Customs jointly issued the announcement(No.109,2013),with the decision of making adjustment of the Catalogue of To implement the relevant requirements of promoting the export steady growth, adjusting the structure by the State Council, according to Law of the People’s Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection and relevant provisions of its implementing regulations, on Aug.1, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s republic of China, General Administration of Customs jointly issued the announcement (No. 109,2013), with the decision of making adjustment of the Catalog of
On July 30,according to the requirement of Some Opinions of General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Steady Growth,Structural Adjustment of Import a
俗话说:“人老脚先老”。因此,中老年人每天要注意腿部的锻炼,现在介绍一套简单、易练的腿部保健操,如能持之以恒地进行下去,就可以防止腰腿痛、膝痛及骨质疏松症等,达到自我保健的目的。  (1)压腿——右脚搁在椅子上,首先用拳头轻轻地叩击右腿内外侧,接着头部向前倾斜,尽量靠近脚尖,保持1分钟后换腿。各操练10次。  (2)踢腿——单手扶住桌椅或墙壁,双脚轮流向前、向后踢去,然后向内、向外各踢10次。  