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由于云计算被视为国家中长期发展战略的一部分,世界不少国家都投入了相当多的人力、物力对其进行研究和开发,并力争在行业竞争甚至是国与国的较量中占据制高点。为了适应云计算的生态环境并充分利用其带来的机会,行业和企业必须进行相应的转型。在转型过程中,如果没有准备好,贸然行动将会面临各种各样的问题和挑战,甚至是失败。从本期开始,金罗军博士将就企业云计算转型这个话题展开讨论,该系列文章主要是根据国际标准、国际大公司和运营商的业务模式及其发展战略对企业在云计算转型过程中的注意事项进行分析和探讨。下文为该系列的第一篇,本篇主要介绍了云计算的基本概念和使能技术,对企业和企业架构做了简介,并初步分析了企业转型应该着重关注的几个方面。如果您对本文自己的想法,欢迎向本刊投稿或者与作者本人联系。来稿请发。 Since cloud computing is regarded as a part of the long-term development strategy of the country, quite a few countries in the world have invested considerable manpower and resources to research and develop them. They are also striving to occupy a commanding position in the competition between industries and even in the country. In order to adapt to the ecological environment of cloud computing and make full use of the opportunities it brings, industries and enterprises must make the corresponding transformation. In the transition process, if not prepared, the rash action will face a variety of problems and challenges, or even failure. From the beginning of this issue, Dr. Jinluo Jun will discuss the topic of enterprise cloud computing transformation. This series of articles is mainly based on the international standards, the business models of international companies and operators and their development strategies, Precautions for analysis and discussion. The following is the first of the series, this article mainly introduces the basic concepts and enabling technologies of cloud computing, and gives an introduction to the enterprise and enterprise architecture, and initially analyzes several aspects that enterprises should focus on. If you are interested in this article, please feel free to submit articles or contact with the author. Contributions please send:
<正> 作为题材,“养机”进入了学生的作文,算一道“新的风景”。除题材新之外,真切、细腻的心理描写,是这篇短文的长处。
【正】 早在晏子以前的政治家管仲就十分重视发挥外交活动的作用,《管子&#183;中匡篇》载:“管仲会国用,三分之二在宾坐,其一在国。”就是说管仲把国家财政中的三分之二的款
巴斯夫近日推出为中国汽车零部件市场定制的全新一升装Hydraulan 爱车安TM 404优质制动液。新包装采用双语印刷.专门满足国内市场的需要,并为中国的汽车维修站提供便利.
<正> 2000年8月24日,国务院发布了新的《国家行政机关公文处理办法》(以下简称新《办法》),对行政机关的公文文种进行了重新划分。其中,主要变化有1)取消了“指示”文种。2)