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一、塑料帐制作和使用塑料帐采用3米宽5丝厚的农用薄膜15.5米,先剪下3米见方作帐顶,余下的围着帐顶四边用封口机或电熨斗封合,然后在一个角上作蚊帐式的门,开门处重叠0.5米。使用时在帐的四个角顶上各系一条绳子,固定悬挂在接种场地的上方,成为高2.5米、各边宽3米的塑 First, the plastic account made and used plastic account 3 meters wide and 5 thick silk film 15.5 meters, first cut 3 meters square for the top, around the top of the remaining four sides with a sealing machine or iron seal, Then in a corner for mosquito net doors, open the door overlap 0.5 meters. When used in the accounts of the four corners of the Department of a rope tied to a fixed suspension at the top of the inoculation space, as 2.5 meters high, 3 meters wide on each side of the plastic
熟悉张裕的人都知道,公司的创始人姓张。但张裕并不是创始人的本名,他的本名是张振勋,字弼士,人们常称之张弼士。 People who are familiar with Changyu know that the fou
Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4)-based materials are regarded as one of the most potential photocatalysts for utilizing solar energy. In this work, we reported
四、中西合璧的家庭 材料就写到这里。她说有些话不便往上写,等夜深人静的时候,我们慢慢谈吧!夜间有时能听到造反派来审讯被押人员的声音,有时却静得出奇。一般我们都较早地
The contamination of antibiotics in aqueous environment causes increasing concerns recently. Light-assisted activation of peroxydisulfate (PDS) has been demonst
Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) has broad application prospect in separation, catalysis, and adsorption. By a facile green method, we successfully fabricated pr