一个个数字 一条条信息 一串串欣喜——科教兴国战略五年带来十大变化

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在8月24日召开的第九届全国人大代表大会常务委员会第十七次会议上,李岚清副总理作了关于实施科教兴国战略工作情况的报告。报告在回顾了自1995年党中央提出科教兴国战略决策以来取得的成绩后,着重论述了十个方面的工作。它们是:一、加大投入,切实支持科教事业的发展科技教育发展离不开必要的物质保证。近年来,在财政负担很重的情况下,政府采取一系列措施,保持了对科技教育投入总量的逐年增长。1999年全国科技经费筹集总额为1460亿元,比上年增长12.5%,其中研究与开发经费678亿元,增长17%。从1998年起五年内,中央财政陆续投入25亿元用于国家重点基础研究。1999年国家对基础研究的总投入为49亿元左右。从1998年至2000年,连续较大幅度地增加自然科学基金对创新课题的支持,并安排经费54亿元,支持中科院开展知识创新工程试点工作。在加大投入的同时,改革投入方式,实行公开公平评估选题制,由对科研机构、科技人员的一般支持,变为以课题 At the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on August 24, Vice Premier Li Lanqing made a report on the implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education. After reviewing achievements made by the party Central Committee in 1995 when it came up with the strategic decision to rejuvenate the country through science and education, the report focuses on ten aspects of work. They are: First, increase investment, and effectively support the development of science and education science and technology education development is inseparable from the necessary material guarantee. In recent years, with a heavy financial burden, the government adopted a series of measures to maintain the year-on-year increase in the total investment in science and technology education. In 1999, the total amount of science and technology funds raised in the country was 146 billion yuan, an increase of 12.5% ​​over the previous year, of which 67.8 billion yuan was for research and development, an increase of 17%. Within five years starting from 1998, the central government invested 2.5 billion yuan in key national basic research. In 1999, the total investment by the state in basic research was about 4.9 billion yuan. From 1998 to 2000, the Natural Science Foundation of China continuously and substantially increased the support for innovation projects and arranged a funding of 5.4 billion yuan to support the pilot project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in carrying out knowledge innovation projects. At the same time of increasing input, reforming the mode of inputting and implementing the system of open and equitable evaluation will change from the general support of scientific research institutes and scientific and technological personnel to the subject
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