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相传汉儒整理先秦古藉《周礼》时,缺佚“冬官”一篇。完成于春秋末至战国初的《考工记》流传有绪,它文词古奥,内容又和文物制度有关,于是被拉来塞入《周礼》,所以,《考工记》又称《周礼·冬官》。《考工记》的内容和文物制度有关,是因为它所叙述的诸如车制、绘事、射侯等规范都可以和儒家崇尚的“君君臣臣”的等级制度联系起来。《考工记》入了《周礼》,就成为儒家的经典著作,于是历代的儒家经学大师们加注加疏,络绎不绝。从 According to legend, Han Confucianism pre-Qin collation, “Zhou Li,” a missing “winter official” an article. The completion of the “Kao Gong Ji” from the end of the Spring and Autumn Period to the beginning of the Warring States Period spreads. Its ancient Chinese poem, related to the cultural relics system, was pulled into the “Zhou Li”. Therefore, “Kaogongji” Li · winter official. “ The content of ”Kao Gong Ji“ is related to the cultural relics system because it describes the norms such as the car system, the painted things, the shooting projectiles and other rules that can be linked with the hierarchical system of the ”monarch and minister“ advocated by Confucianism. ”Kaogongji“ into the ”Zhou Li", it became a Confucian classics, so the ancient Confucian classics masters raise and sparse, an endless stream. From
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[摘 要] 紧密围绕铁路和谐发展建设,不断创新企业离退休管理服务的工作思路和方法,对于科学有序推进铁路建设、实现科学发展,保证“十二五”规划顺利实施具有极其重要的意义和作用。本篇调研报告通过对车务段离退休工作的实践研究与探索,旨在更好地融入中心,服务大局做好这项光荣而艰巨的“朝阳”工程。  [关键词] 离退工作 管理服务 创新发展  把离退休工作这项光荣而艰巨的“朝阳”工程做好,有利于
本文提出一种可用带状线方法进行分析的特殊微带线。 This paper presents a stripline method can be used to analyze the special microstrip line.