
来源 :Journal of Shanghai University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aa377059590
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Network based data management is the backup/restore mechanism used in a data storage center. This paper presents a new network based data management—NDMP-Plus, a revision of network data management protocol. Components and the working mechanism of the NDMP-Plus architecture are first discussed. Two new techniques in NDMP-Plus—virtual storage layer (VSL) and negotiation mechanism are then studied. VSL is a crucial component to achieve flexibility, and the negotiation mechanism is a key to improve performance. Furthermore, experiments are carried out to evaluate the performance of NDMP-Plus. The result suggests that NDMP-Plus has stronger flexibility and better performance than NDMP. Network based data management is the backup / restore mechanism used in a data storage center. This paper presents a new network based data management-NDMP-Plus, a revision of network data management protocol. Components and the working mechanism of the NDMP-Plus architecture Both first discussed. Two new techniques in NDMP-Plus-virtual storage layer (VSL) and negotiation mechanism are then studied. VSL is a crucial component to achieve flexibility, and the negotiation mechanism is a key to improve performance. out to evaluate the performance of NDMP-Plus. The result suggests that NDMP-Plus has stronger flexibility and better performance than NDMP.
目的通过评估超声监测胃残余量的应用效果,为指导重症患者肠内营养方案提供证据。方法系统检索CNKI、中国生物医学文献数据库、万方、维普、中国临床试验注册中心、PubMed、Embase、Cochrane Library、ClinicalTrials.gov等数据库,收集超声监测胃残余量在重症患者肠内营养中应用的RCT,检索时限为建库至2019年12月31日。由2名研究者独立检索文献、筛选文献、提取资