,Study of the influence of pavement unevenness on the mechanical response of asphalt pavement by mea

来源 :交通运输工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vivion1
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Pavement unevenness affects the vehicle operating cost,speed,riding comfort,safety,pavement service life and etc.The current mechanistic-empirical (M-E) design procedure of asphalt pavements is based on the computational model of a fiat pavement instead of uneven pavement as it is the case in reality.In this paper,a tire-pavement-interaction FE model is developed to investigate the influence of pavement unevenness on the mechanical responses of asphalt pavements.For both winter and summer conditions,the strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer due to the tire load is found to decrease as the wavelength of the unevenness increases.Moreover,the strain is larger at lower speeds and decreases as the speed increases.It is found that the stress levels are higher in summer conditions than under winter conditions for the same pavement irrespective of wavelength.The fatigue life increases with increase in speed of the tire for a pavement and also increases with increase in the wavelength of the pavement unevenness.The results indicate that pavement unevenness significantly influence the mechanical responses of asphalt pavements and thus influences the service life of asphalt pavements.As a result,the current M-E design algorithm of asphalt pavements should be modified to consider the pavement unevenness to allow better design processes for asphalt pavement.
【中图分类号】G625.1 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)36-0068-01  教育是一个非常大的话题,著名教育家陈玉琨教授有一个著名的观点:没有成绩,过不了今天,只有成绩,过不了明天。在纠结于教育的理想和现实之时,立德树人,将是我实现教育理想之基础。  一、教育的本质  教育的本质就是育人,简而言之就是培养拥有健全人格的人。无论是高尚品德、善于学习、勇于创新等优良
The study presents an experimental evaluation of performance properties of two different production processes of warm rubberized binder.Two types of rubberized
【摘要】初中的学习生活对于学生今后的性格塑造起着重要的作用,但由于初中学生的一些性格特征,为传统的教育管理方式带来了一些挑战。先进的教育理論研究表明,从学生的心理角度着手,是解决当下初中生管理难题的有效途径。基于这一背景,本文将介绍激励教育法的内涵以及传统管理方式中的弊端,并提出一些运用激励机制提升初中管理的方式。  【关键词】初中管理;激励机制;学生心理  【中图分类号】G635.1 【文献标识
Biofuels have extensive available resources and have an immense potential as promising alteative fuels for automobile.The application advantages of biofuels are
【摘要】随着社会的不断进步,经济的快速发展,我国的教育教学水平也不断提高,与此同时对于班主任的工作要求也越来越高。班级是学生成长、学习的主要课堂,同时也是学生发展个性、不断进行自我完善的平台,小学班主任管理工作对于促进学生全面发展具有十分重要的作用。为此,小学班主任一定要认真负责,增强班级管理意识,平等对待每一个学生,以强烈的责任心和使命感做好班主任管理工作,帮助学生全面发展。  【关键词】小学班