Liquid Metal Heat Transfer in an Inclined Tube Affected by a Longitudinal Magnetic Field

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lymoso
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This paper presents results of hydrodynamic and heat transfer investigations in liquid metal flow affected by a longitudinal magnetic field in an inclined tube with respect to tokamak cooling problem.Experimental study has been conducted for the tube with slope 15 to the horizon which corresponds to the conditions oflTER project in case the LM flow faced longitudinal MF.The results obtained in the regimes without the MF,may be interesting for the design of nuclear reactors cooled by LM and metallurgical processes. This paper presents results of hydrodynamic and heat transfer investigations in liquid metal flow affected by a longitudinal magnetic field in an inclined tube with respect to tokamak cooling problem. Experimental study has been conducted for the tube with slope 1 5 to the horizon to the conditions of lTER project in case the LM flow faced longitudinal MF. The results obtained in the regimes without the MF, may be interesting for the design of nuclear reactors cooled by LM and metallurgical processes.
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