Trace Level Rare Earth Elements Separation From Gram Scale Uranium by Calcium Fluoride Coprecipitati

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duanxiaoxiao1
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In the fission yield measurement of rare earth elements of uranium induced by neutron,and the analysis of rare earth elements in spent fuel,the separation of trace rare earth elements from a large number of uranium has very important significance.We separated trace level rare earth elements from gram scale uranium by calcium fluoride coprecipitation in this paper. In the fission yield measurement of rare earth elements of uranium induced by neutron, and the analysis of rare earth elements in spent fuel, the separation of trace rare earth elements from a large number of uranium has very important significance. We separated trace level rare earth elements from gram scale uranium by calcium fluoride coprecipitation in this paper.
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