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针对目前灌区内建筑物普遍存在的老化问题,本文对濮阳市9处引黄灌区中建筑物老化损坏原因进行了分析,并提出了处理方法。1 建筑物现状全市9个引黄灌区中,大型灌区2处,中型灌区7处,设计引水流量398m~3/s。渠衬、邢庙、孙口3处灌区近几年纳入世行贷款基本建设引黄专款工程建设项目,灌区骨干工程配套基本完好,其余6个灌区虽然国家、地方群众曾投资兴建了一些建筑物,但由于年代久,标准低,老化失修损坏严重,如建筑物沉陷、裂缝、碳化、龟裂、设备陈旧锈蚀、操作失灵等。据初步统计,全市引黄灌区建筑物完好率在55%左右。灌区基本情况见下表。 Aiming at the common aging problem of buildings in irrigation area, this paper analyzes the causes of aging deterioration of 9 buildings in the Yellow River Irrigation Area of ​​Puyang City and puts forward the treatment methods. 1 Building Status The city’s nine Yellow River Irrigation District, large irrigation area 2, medium-sized irrigation area 7, design diversion flow 398m ~ 3 / s. Drainage lining, Xingmiao, Sunkou 3 Irrigation areas in recent years into the World Bank loan infrastructure project of the Yellow River Diversion Project, the irrigation works supporting the basic integrity of the project, while the remaining six irrigation areas, although the state, local masses have invested in the construction of some buildings , But due to the age, the standard low, serious deterioration of aging disrepair, such as building subsidence, cracks, carbonation, cracking, aging equipment rust, malfunction and so on. According to preliminary statistics, the intact rate of buildings in the Yellow River Irrigation District in the whole city is about 55%. The basic situation of irrigation in the table below.
乌鲁瓦提混凝土面板坝是目前国内在建的同类坝型中最高的坝。根据乌鲁瓦提河床质含砂量、含泥量较低的特点,采用减薄铺料层厚度及各施工工序紧密衔接的方法。使用16t 以上的
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兴建在四川省阿坝州茂县境内的铜钟水电站于 2 0 0 1年 6月 2 7日首台机组正式并网发电。铜钟水电站是岷江上游干流继映秀湾、太平驿之后开发的第三个闸坝引水式电站。最大坝
1 工程概况黄河小浪底水利枢纽18号公路是小浪底水利枢纽建成后的主要上坝公路。其交通洞进口洞脸EL268.172~EL257.27为石方开挖,台阶高度H为10.902m,爆区宽20.11m,边坡坡比1